Refugees and immigrants with disabilities or complex health needs may be eligible for state services and specialized programs.
State Refugee Resettlement Program
Newly arrived refugees are eligible for all public assistance programs offered by the Office of Economic & Family Support. If refugees are determined ineligible for public assistance programs, eligibility will be determined for Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance, which are made available for the first eight (8) months after arrival in the United States. For more information, call 402-471-9264.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
The program welcomes and advocates for immigrants, refugees and those seeking protection from countries where war and oppression have stolen their hope and threatened their very existence.
The Refugee Support Program (RSP)
Lutheran Family Services provides intensive case management to especially vulnerable new Americans. RSP caseworkers facilitate access to medical appointments, mental health support, medication management, appropriate housing, governmental benefits, community resources and cultural orientation education. The RSP works alongside new Americans to establish self-sufficiency and successful integration for up to two years.
Catholic Social Services Refugee Resettlement Services
Program assists new arrivals with housing, education, employment and cultural orientation so they can become self-sufficient as soon as possible.
Center for Immigration and Refugee Advancement (CIRA)
Their mission is to empower immigrants and refugees to live confidently through high-quality legal representation, resettlement, and social work and to create welcoming communities through education and advocacy.
Health Coverage for Immigrants
This page provides information about health insurance options including Medicaid eligibility and eligibility through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Catholic Charities
Center offers food assistance, family enrichment, immigration legal assistance, Latina Resource Center and microbusiness training.
Immigration Legal Services
- Immigration Legal Assistance Center The center provides quality, affordable immigration related legal services to immigrants and refugees in Nebraska. For more information, call 402-471-1777.
- Lutheran Immigration Services The organization offers affordable, quality immigration legal assistance to refugees, immigrants and asylees. Minimal fees for service are charged on a sliding scale.
- University of Nebraska College of Law Immigration Clinic The clinic handles certain types of immigration cases which are handled by law students and overseen by faculty. For more information, call 402-472-3271.