Family Care Enhancement Project

Mother sitting on floor working on laptop, smiling; youth son laying on couch behind her, arm draped over her shoulder, her hand on his, they are happy; credit: Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Family Care Enhancement Project (FCEP)

Our Purpose

The FCEP places Parent Resource Coordinators (PRCs) with a range of perspectives in clinics to provide information and support to families who have children with disabilities and complex health care needs.

The Family Care Enhancement Project is designed to:

Who are Parent Resource Coordinators?

PRCs are parents or family members of children with complex health care needs or disabilities. They have specialized training and share lived experience with the families they support. They act as community health workers, linking families to the services and support they need.

Our PRCs help:

Parent Resource Coordinators can link families to:

Early Intervention Services - Referrals to and coordination with the Early Development Network and other early childhood services.

Insurance Access - Nebraska Medicaid, Medicaid Waiver programs and other programs.

Parent Education - Hosting support groups/workshops.

Program Eligibility - WIC (nutritional program for Women, Infants and Children), Childcare, respite and other social services.

Community Resources - Housing, utilities, summer camps and recreational activities.

Caregivers Corner Facebook Group

MMI Caregivers Corner (join the group) provides information aligned with the mission of the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI) about community activities and events or education and training opportunities designed to assist caregivers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Program Funding

The FCEP is funded through the support of the Nebraska Early Development Network, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health, the MMI University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the collaborating clinics.