UCEDD at Munroe-Meyer Institute
In 1968, the Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI) was designated as a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) and maintains that designation today through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
MMI's UCEDD is one of 67 national programs across the United States and its territories uniquely affiliated with universities or medical centers, allowing them to serve as a bridge between academia and the community.- UCEDDs are independent but interlinked centers that provide supports for families and represent an expansive national resource for the promotion of independence, self-determination, productivity, and integration of individuals with developmental disabilities. Learn more about UCEDD.
- Each UCEDD is a member of the Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD), the organization that supports and promotes the national network of UCEDDs. Learn more about AUCD.
Program overview
The core functions of a UCEDD are to provide pre-service preparation and continuing education, services (including technical assistance, community education, and direct services), research and information dissemination. Our Patient Care, Family Resources, Training and Research sites show that MMI has varied and strong programming in all of these areas to support individuals with developmental and other disabilities along with their families and caregivers.
Get to know the UCEDD at Munroe-Meyer
UCEDD activities, resources and supports include:
Community Information and Training
Connecting families to community resources is critical to both the mission of the Munroe-Meyer Institute and MMI's UCEDD. Our team offers info sessions and training on topics important to the disability community and most times at no cost to attendees.
Leadership and Support
Just like every person is unique in their abilities, people with disability also have individualized specific needs. Having access to disability-specific organizations that provide support and leadership opportunities, as well as civil and legal resources, can help Nebraskans with disability live a full life in their community.
Lifespan Resources
Families that have children with disabilities often find they need to identify services and supports specific to age. While no one website can provide all resources needed for every family, we hope to help as you navigate resources through the lifespan. Our care coordination team can help fill gaps for resources specific to your family that are not available online.
Policy and Systems Change Activities
Our UCEDD staff serve on national and state public policy and planning committees and task forces and participate in activities that focus on disability-related public policy and legislative issues. This team works closely with Disability Rights Nebraska and the Nebraska Developmental Disabilities Council to coordinate with local, state and national agencies on key issues that affect individuals with disabilities in legislation and policy activities.
Programs and Supports
The programs, supports and services offered by MMI's UCEDD were designed to support persons with disability to acquire skills for self-determination, entry into employment or meaningful job training and independent living with individualized supports.