UCEDD Traineeship

UCEDD Traineeship

This program is not accepting applications for 2023/2024.

The Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI) University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities program sponsors traineeships for up to two individuals annually. The training internships involve a 600-hour commitment at MMI from July 1 through April 30.

This paid internship primarily focuses on disability advocacy and leadership and will include:

View the UCEDD training curriculum.

UCEDD Traineeship

The candidates chosen will need to live in the Omaha vicinity in order to be able to attend activities at the University of Nebraska Medical Center campus.

Preference will be given to adults with disabilities and their parents and family members, but students and other interested individuals are invited to apply.

The goal of the internship is to enhance trainee’s skills and knowledge regarding intellectual and developmental disabilities history, philosophy and practice. It is intended for individuals who seek to increase their involvement in the disability field. This can take many forms.

Contact Us

For more information email Mark Shriver.

UCEDD Program: Resources provided by MMI's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) through grant funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and its Administration for Community Living which supports people with disabilities living independently and participating fully in their communities. Learn more about the UCEDD at MMI.