Share Your Experience

Your opinion matters to us!

We want every moment of you or your family’s care at Munroe-Meyer to reflect UNMC values.

UNMC and Nebraska Med iTEACH Values

We invite you to share your experience.

We rely on families and clients to help us understand where we can improve and what we've done well. There are several ways to provide feedback.

Recognize "Stand-Out" Staff at MMI

We believe it is important to celebrate the extraordinary individuals who make MMI a unique care destination. If you encountered someone at MMI whose actions, words or service “stand-out”, please send us an email so that we can share your delight with that person and their director!

Customer Satisfaction Survey

You can let us know about your MMI experience by providing feedback after an appointment through an online customer satisfaction survey. This helps us to understand what we’ve done well and where we can improve.

Patient Feedback Boxes

Patient feedback boxes are available for families who want to leave a note for a provider, staff member or the MMI Director. Anonymous feedback is accepted, but please understand that this sometimes makes it is difficult to properly address concerns.

Find patient feedback boxes at Munroe-Meyer Institute in these locations:

Google Review

We invite you to give MMI a shout out on the web through a Google Review! Public recognition always feels good and you sharing that we've made your world a little better is the best compliment we could ever hope for!

How's our Website?

Thank you for visiting MMI's website. We'd like to know if you found it helpful. Take our one-question web-user satisfaction survey to give feedback about your experience with our website.

Notify community engagement by email about broken links or incorrect information.

Social Media 

MMI uses social media to engage with, listen to and serve as a trusted resource to our community.

Contact Us

If you have a concern or would like to talk to someone privately about your MMI experience, please contact Dr. Amy Nordness, Director of Clinical Services at UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute.

402-559-6651  |  Email Dr. Nordness

Or you can submit anonymous comments to Melonie Welsh, Director of Community Engagement. Please understand that leaving an anonymous comment sometimes makes it is difficult to properly address concerns.