- Core Facility Directory
- Clinical Research Resources
- Nebraska Biobank
- Grant Editing Support
- Grant Resource Library
- Centers and Major Programs
- Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)
- Comparative Medicine
- Government Relations
- Intellectual Property Assistance
- Translational Cores
- Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
- Animal Behavior Core
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility
- Electron Microscopy
- Epigenomics Core Facility (ECF)
- Flow Cytometry Research Facility
- Genomics Core Facility
- Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Mouse Genome Engineering Core
- Multiomics Mass Spectrometry
- Nanoimaging Core Facility
- READi Core (health informatics)
- Small Animal Imaging
- Translational Mouse Model Core Facility
- Core Facility Scheduling and Billing
- Backup Freezer Program
The Core will provide humanized mouse models to the researchers at UNMC and also at other institutions around the nation, in the form of collaborations. A part (10%) of the R24 grant is dedicated to establish new collaborations and generate preliminary data for the new research projects involving humanized mice. A description of different humanized mouse models is listed below, and interested researchers are requested to contact the directors to further consult about the projects.
Available Mouse Models
- NSG mice reconstituted with human CD34+ stem cells (umbilical cord blood) to generate functional human immune system.
- NSG mice reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL).
- TK-NOG mice reconstituted with human liver (human hepatocyte transplanted).
- TK-NOG mice transplanted with human CD34+ stem cells and human hepatocytes- dual reconstituted with human immune system and liver.
New Projects and Services
A part of the NIH R24 grant is dedicated to establish new collaborations and generate preliminary data for the new research projects involving humanized mice. Interested researchers are requested to submit the new project application briefly describing their idea and the core will provide up to 10-15 humanized mice to the investigator to generate preliminary data. The applications can be directly sent to ctmm@unmc.edu.
For any pilot projects or for grant applications involving humanized mice, contact us for free consultations to discuss and develop the experimental plan. We will also help with the budget and preparing the subcontract for grant application.
- Core Facility Directory
- Clinical Research Resources
- Nebraska Biobank
- Grant Editing Support
- Grant Resource Library
- Centers and Major Programs
- Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)
- Comparative Medicine
- Government Relations
- Intellectual Property Assistance
- Translational Cores
- Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
- Animal Behavior Core
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility
- Electron Microscopy
- Epigenomics Core Facility (ECF)
- Flow Cytometry Research Facility
- Genomics Core Facility
- Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Mouse Genome Engineering Core
- Multiomics Mass Spectrometry
- Nanoimaging Core Facility
- READi Core (health informatics)
- Small Animal Imaging
- Translational Mouse Model Core Facility
- Core Facility Scheduling and Billing
- Backup Freezer Program