University of Nebraska Medical Center
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About Us

UNMC is the professional home of determined researchers who work at the forefront of their scientific fields.

With collaboration from a highly engaged community of skilled professionals and access to world-class facilities, UNMC researchers identify and focus on critical questions that lead to new knowledge and, in the long term, life-changing therapies.

Meet the Vice Chancellor for Research

Ken Bayles, PhD, was named UNMC's Vice Chancellor for Research in 2022. He leads UNMC's dynamic research enterprise, with a bench-to-bedside approach to translate scientific discoveries into real-world therapies to treat patients.

Vice Chancellor for Research Ken Bayles

Mission & Vision

The UNMC Vice Chancellor for Research Office's mission is to empower researchers to drive breakthroughs through team science, agile operations and robust support systems. It is our vision to build an environment that enables transformational research and innovation. 

Research Awards

The Distinguished Scientist Awards Ceremony recognizes and honors the remarkable research accomplishments and ongoing contributions of individuals to UNMC’s research mission.

Distinguished scientist awards.