- Core Facility Directory
- Clinical Research Resources
- Nebraska Biobank
- Grant Editing Support
- Grant Resource Library
- Centers and Major Programs
- Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)
- Comparative Medicine
- Government Relations
- Intellectual Property Assistance
- Translational Cores
- Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
- Animal Behavior Core
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility
- Facility Overview and Equipment
- Requirements and Process to Utilize Facility
- Rates
- Additional Resource Material
- Electron Microscopy
- Epigenomics Core Facility (ECF)
- Flow Cytometry Research Facility
- Genomics Core Facility
- Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Mouse Genome Engineering Core
- Multiomics Mass Spectrometry
- Nanoimaging Core Facility
- READi Core (health informatics)
- Small Animal Imaging
- Translational Mouse Model Core Facility
- Core Facility Scheduling and Billing
- Backup Freezer Program
The Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility provides a safe and secure work area for qualified and authorized researchers to perform studies that involve BSL-3 organisms. This facility is a restricted access area and is currently being used by trained and authorized UNMC personnel working with COVID-19.
The negative air pressure handling system, secure entrance and exit doors, five individual and secure Principal Investigator (PI)-assigned working suites, two pass-through autoclaves, annually certified biosafety cabinets, and personal protective equipment (PPE) contribute to the biosafety of each researcher using this facility. On-line scheduling via the UNMC Research Support System (RSS) is used to reserve working suites, which facilitates the coordination of shared space and the monitoring of researcher usage and needs.
Access to the BSL-3 Core Facility requires medical clearance, approval by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), documented experience and proficiency, fulfillment of BSL-3 biosafety and biosecurity requirements, project-specific BSL-3 training, BSL-3 Core Facility orientation and training, and then subsequent approval by the BSL-3 Core Facility Laboratory Director.
Acknowledging the Core
If any manuscripts, presentations, and grants include data generated from the use of the BSL-3 Core Facility, please include the following sentence in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT section.
‘The University of Nebraska Medical Center BSL-3 Core Facility is administrated through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and is supported by the Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI).’'
Notify Us
Please send the full citation of publications that include data generated from the use of the BSL-3 Core Facility to Marilynn Larson (Director) for the annually required core facility report.
- Core Facility Directory
- Clinical Research Resources
- Nebraska Biobank
- Grant Editing Support
- Grant Resource Library
- Centers and Major Programs
- Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)
- Comparative Medicine
- Government Relations
- Intellectual Property Assistance
- Translational Cores
- Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
- Animal Behavior Core
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility
- Facility Overview and Equipment
- Requirements and Process to Utilize Facility
- Rates
- Additional Resource Material
- Electron Microscopy
- Epigenomics Core Facility (ECF)
- Flow Cytometry Research Facility
- Genomics Core Facility
- Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Mouse Genome Engineering Core
- Multiomics Mass Spectrometry
- Nanoimaging Core Facility
- READi Core (health informatics)
- Small Animal Imaging
- Translational Mouse Model Core Facility
- Core Facility Scheduling and Billing
- Backup Freezer Program