Genomics Core Facility

Functional Genomics Services and Support for Researchers

Illumina NextSeq

The UNMC Genomics Core Facility is a comprehensively equipped facility that provides genomic services on a fee-for-use basis to the greater academic research community. The core provides both Next Generation DNA and Sanger sequencing services; single cell genomics assays by 10x Genomics, and Nanostring technology targeted gene expression assays.  The UNMC Genomics Core currently supports the research of over 140 independent laboratories annually. These researchers are involved in a wide variety of scientific projects of both biomedical and basic science relevance.

Please follow the links for further information regarding these services:

Next Generation Sequencing - Illumina Technology

Single Cell Genomics - 10x Genomics

Nanostring Technology – Targeted Gene Expression Panels

Sanger Sequencing


Acknowledgements Text

Users of the Genomics Core Facility are obligated to acknowledge the facility in formal publications and presentations which include data generated in the facility. We also appreciate receiving reprints or PDFs of such publications to use in our yearly core facility reports for University of Nebraska Central Administration. 

To ensure that UNMC meets the new reporting requirements of the National Institutes of Health Shared Instrument Grants program please include the following acknowledgement in all publications: 

"The UNMC Genomics Core Facility receives partial support from the National Institute for General Medical Science (NIGMS) INBRE - P20GM103427-19, as well as the National Cancer Institute The Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center Support Grant- P30CA036727. This publications's contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH or NIGMS"


Page last updated August 6, 2024