- Core Facility Directory
- Clinical Research Resources
- Nebraska Biobank
- Grant Editing Support
- Grant Resource Library
- Centers and Major Programs
- Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)
- Comparative Medicine
- Government Relations
- Intellectual Property Assistance
- Translational Cores
- Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
- Animal Behavior Core
- Facility Overview
- Services Provided
- Pricing
- What Can I Expect When Using the Core?
- Acknowledging the Core
- Our Team
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility
- Electron Microscopy
- Epigenomics Core Facility (ECF)
- Flow Cytometry Research Facility
- Genomics Core Facility
- Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Mouse Genome Engineering Core
- Multiomics Mass Spectrometry
- Nanoimaging Core Facility
- READi Core (health informatics)
- Small Animal Imaging
- Translational Mouse Model Core Facility
- Core Facility Scheduling and Billing
- Backup Freezer Program
Getting Started
The first step to getting started in the Animal Behavior Core is to submit the following request form and schedule an initial consultation:
Animal Behavior Core Request Form
During your consultation, we will assess what is needed to accomplish your aims and determine the best path forward. This will be heavily dependent upon the nature of your research, and the stage of research you are currently in - whether it be grant preparation, submitting your IACUC protocol, jumping into the beginnings of data collection, or assessing data that has already been collected.
To schedule core services, including self-serve use of core procedural space, please contact Dr. Samuelson. Core services cannot be scheduled on RSS.
What Can I Expect for Self-Serve Use of the Core?
When you schedule use of the Animal Behavior Core, we will assess the need to training and orientation either prior to – or at the beginning of your scheduled booking. All first-time core users will go through training regardless of prior training to ensure continuity per core policy.
Once trained, you will be provided access to the procedure room. The equipment setup and takedown is handled by core staff to ensure continuity in sanitation protocols between investigators. You will collect your data, following the steps provided by the Animal Behavior Core and/or described in your approved IACUC protocol.
What Can I Expect for Full Service Use of the Core?
When you select Full Service Use of the Core, our staff will conduct all aspects of data collection and documentation for you – in the core facility. If the lead investigator prefers, this can include the long-term and detailed training of graduate students, post-doctoral students, and lab staff.
It is important to note that full service does not constitute data analysis and reporting. If it is your desire to have the core perform the data analysis, please schedule this in addition to full service core usage.
Data Management
All raw data collected in the core will be stored securely in the core database for two years. After that time, it will be archived and available by special request only.
- Core Facility Directory
- Clinical Research Resources
- Nebraska Biobank
- Grant Editing Support
- Grant Resource Library
- Centers and Major Programs
- Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)
- Comparative Medicine
- Government Relations
- Intellectual Property Assistance
- Translational Cores
- Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
- Animal Behavior Core
- Facility Overview
- Services Provided
- Pricing
- What Can I Expect When Using the Core?
- Acknowledging the Core
- Our Team
- Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Core Facility
- Electron Microscopy
- Epigenomics Core Facility (ECF)
- Flow Cytometry Research Facility
- Genomics Core Facility
- Human Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Mouse Genome Engineering Core
- Multiomics Mass Spectrometry
- Nanoimaging Core Facility
- READi Core (health informatics)
- Small Animal Imaging
- Translational Mouse Model Core Facility
- Core Facility Scheduling and Billing
- Backup Freezer Program