Nebraska Connecting Families Project
Seeking Caregiver Focus Group
The Nebraska Connecting Families Project is looking for caregivers to share their experiences with finding and using mental and behavioral health services in Nebraska for the children in their care.
Information from these groups will be used to improve access to behavioral health services for Nebraska youth.
Focus groups will be held in August and September of 2024. Dates will be chosen based on participant availability. All focus groups will be held on Zoom and will last about 1 hour.
Who should attend
Caregivers of Nebraska youth (ages birth to 21) who have tried to get mental and behavioral health services for their child in the state of Nebraska any time since January of 2020.
What we want to know
- How caregivers find and use mental health services for their children
- Family successes in finding services in Nebraska
- Barriers that prevented families from getting help
- Why families start or stop using mental and behavioral health services in Nebraska
Please complete the online interest form by August 15, 2024.- Questions / Support: Email Michael | 402-559-6483
- Participants will be gifted a $25 gift card for their time.
Project Details
This project is derived from Nebraska’s Title V Needs Assessment Issue Brief outlining Priority 9 Behavioral and Mental Health in Schools. Learn more.
The Nebraska Connecting Families Project aims to create a space where stakeholders connect to design a framework for sharing and advancing individual knowledge and skills to navigate a continuum of family support and maximize the interaction of family and service providers.
By June 2025, we are simply identifying a formalized, statewide support structure, and the steering committee is working on a plan that includes the following seven initiatives.
- Identify existing mental/behavioral health resources with emphasis on connection to educational settings
- Identify gaps in resources
- Identify how caregivers access existing resources
- Identify how we can improve accessibility and engagement of resources
- Identify how we can address gaps in resources
- Identify training/education that needs to be implemented for caregivers, providers, educators to improve access and engagement with resources
- Identify steps for funding, implementing and sustaining plan
Focus Group Findings
Caregiver Focus Group Executive Summary
Caregiver Focus Group Report
Contact Us
Project Support
Michael Skocz
Email Michael | 402-559-6483
Project Manager
Candi Koenig, BS, Ed
Email Candi