Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Belonging at Munroe-Meyer Institute

It's not just the key to DEI, it’s also the key to inclusive health for patients and their families. Belonging helps foster respect and appreciation for differences which can lead to better decision-making at all levels within MMI.

MMI works collaboratively systemwide with faculty, staff, students and stakeholders to create an overarching diversity framework aimed at connecting diversity, inclusion and belonging to areas of recruitment, retention, research, education, clinical services and community engagement.

A sense of belonging is what unlocks the power and value of diversity and inclusion.

Munroe-Meyer Institute building at night with rainbow pride LED canopy lighting


MMI’s mission is to actively commit to creating, cultivating and continuously evaluating ways to support an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, so our MMI community feels valued, empowered and fully engaged in an environment that is healthy, safe and thriving.

Our Commitment

The Munroe-Meyer Institute is deeply committed to furthering diversity, inclusion and belonging at the Munroe-Meyer Institute. It is our charge to support underrepresented faculty, staff and students to being advocates for the patients and families that MMI serves. It's critical for us to continue to examine and reflect on our relationships, the environment and culture within MMI and take action!

People Values

the Munroe-Meyer Institute seeks to eliminate structural barriers that compromise diversity, equity and inclusion. Advancing inclusive health and eliminating health care disparities for all is a key priority for MMI.

We are committed to:


New structures and practices will promote inclusive health, anti-racism, inclusive excellence and gender equity.


Intentional focus on accessibility, cultural humility and affirming care provides a better clinical experience of our patients.


Dedication to community outreach, education, service, research and advocacy is a direct investment to our community.


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