
The READi core provides access to Electronic Health Record data for clinical and translational research. Data may be requested by any UNMC faculty, Nebraska Medicine staff, or Children’s Nebraska staff.

NOTE: For students, if you would like to have the READi Core assist with your project, please ensure you include your faculty advisor information when completing the project intake form, as we can not release data students without an identified advisor falling into one of the above categories.

Getting Started

Anyone wishing to use patient information for a study or publication requires a determination by the IRB as to whether it needs a full IRB review or is considered exempt. If you are unsure, fill out the UNMC IRB's Decision Tool to obtain a determination.

Once your study is IRB approved or determined Not Human Subjects Research, you can submit a request for data using this READi Project Intake Form.

Available Data Sources

Note: Access to and release of data from any of these sources is subject to a review of ethical access, IRB approval, and other factors related to your request.

Types of Projects Supported

Services Available

Note: Feasibility requests are generally limited data retrieval requests used to ascertain whether sufficient patient or sample populations are available to accomplish the proposed research studies. If you have access to Epic, please try SlicerDicer first and if you still need assistance, please fill out a request form.