Seeking Opportunities

APEx Overview for Partners:

Students are encouraged to share the APEx Overview document with a potential partner organization to help explain APEx requirements. Once the student registers and the course begins, there will be an orientation for the preceptor from the partner organization.

Seeking Partner Organizations:

There are multiple ways a student may seek a partner organization. The following are suggestions for students to consider;

  1. Personal Network (What organization(s) have you volunteered with previously?)
  2. Long-term Goals (What organization(s) may you seek as a future employer?)
  3. Search other Websites (Consider your local community—nonprofits and other associations.)
    1. Examples: Local Food Bank, United Way, American Diabetes Association, American Red Cross, Area Health Education Centers, etc.
  4. Local & State Health Departments and State Public Health Associations
  5. Current Student Opportunities (see below)
  6. Consult with the Project Coordinator, Julia Quigley (

In addition to the above suggestions, students interested in Nebraska-based opportunities should refer to the Student Practice Opportunities tab in the top navigation of this website. Another strategy to help brainstorm is to refer to the Affiliation Agreement list to see names of organizations. However, students are not limited to working with organizations that have an Affiliation Agreement or who are featured on the APEx website. 

When contacting potential partner organizations, students should remember to state their intentions of exploring multiple opportunities with different organizations to determine the best fit for the APEx. Once a partner organization has been identified, students should inform all organizations for which they have been communicating about the decision and offer appreciation for the time spent discussing together. 

Current Student Opportunities:

To learn more about the partner organization’s identified priorities/needs and opportunities for students, click on the organization's name.

Please contact the Project Coordinator, Julia Quigley, or Director of Master's Program, Laura Vinson, with any questions.

Partner Organization's Identified Needs:

The following partner organizations have identified opportunities available for Summer and/or Fall 2024. More opportunities will be shared as they become available.

Remember to consider the funded opportunities discussed at the APEx Orientation!