Affiliation Agreements

An Affiliation Agreement is required for the MPH, Applied Practice Experience (APEx) course.

The Affiliation Agreement is a required legal document between UNMC and the partner organization for which the student is placed for academic course credit and must be completed prior to the beginning term of the experience. The Affiliation Agreement provides coverage for all College of Public Health students placed with the organization and is not project or student-specific. The organization may have additional requirements (background checks, drug testing, immunizations, etc.) before on-site experiences can begin. If these are required and the organization does not cover the expense, the student will be responsible for the expense.

College of Public Health students must contact the Project Coordinator, Julia Quigley (, as soon as the organization is identified to determine appropriate requirements. Due to varying terms and conditions of certain Affiliation Agreements, these requirements must be handled on a case-by-case basis and the length of time for completion can range from 2-6 months.

A current Affiliation Agreement List is available for your reference.