Information for Partner Organizations

Have you ever thought you needed an extra set of hands or expertise to help you with a project at your organization? UNMC, College of Public Health MPH students have great skills and expertise and are ready to offer their support.


APEx Overview for Partners:

APEx opportunities with our students occur 3x annually (Spring, Summer, Fall). Typically, a student begins seeking opportunities about 2-3 months before the intended partnership begins. A student(s) may contact you to request more information about your organization and the potential opportunities for supporting your priority needs. If the opportunity is a good fit for both you and the student, the student will begin developing an APEx Learning Contract to outline the scope of the engagement together. At the beginning of the APEx each semester, the College of Public Health hosts a preceptor orientation and a student orientation. 

The APEx Overview for Partners document is a helpful summary of APEx requirements. For examples of past APEx opportunities, visit Presentations and Testimonials

If your partner organization would like to promote needs you may have, this is a suggested template that we can use to outline the opportunities. The purpose of this description is to be a conversation starter between you and the student and will be posted on the APEx website. Contact to share a draft of the proposed opportunity or to ask any questions. 

For more information about the APEx, or to request a recording of a previous APEx Opportunity (Informational) Session, please contact Julia Quigley. 

Information for Spring 2024 Preceptors: 

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a preceptor! We look forward to talking with you more at the APEx Preceptor Kick-off Session to be held on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024, from 2:00 - 3:00 pm CST. Calendar invitations will be shared with preceptors. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to us at any time with questions!