General Orientation Recording

For more information about the APEx, students should view the orientation recording from the semester prior to their registration term.

For example, students intending to register for APEx in Fall 2024 must participate in the Summer 2024 APEx General Orientation. Students intending to register for APEx in Spring 2025, must participate in the Fall 2024 General Orientation. Students intending to register for APEx in Summer 2025, must participate in the Spring 2025 General Orientation. 

Summer 2024 APEx General Orientation

APEx General Orientation for students intending to register in Fall 2024 was held in June 2024. Attendance is a prerequisite for students planning to complete APEx in Fall 2024. If you were unable to attend live, please view the above APEx General Orientation recording and complete the required next steps. 

Save-The-Date: Summer 2024 APEx General Orientation for Fall 2024 APEx registration will be held on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm via Zoom.