eLab Suite

A new research tool, created by eLabNext, is now available at UNMC. It is hosted on-premises in the secure UNMC Datacenter, and currently comprises two components:

After an in-depth search for a comprehensive ELN solution for UNMC, eLab was chosen for its ability to facilitate research, process, analytic development via series of data, sample, protocol, equipment, supply management and reporting tools. Scientists at UNMC carry out a broad range of research, resulting in highly innovative experimental systems, data, and discoveries. Making our work efficient and effectively documenting the results are key in making progress. To facilitate these accomplishments, we chose this software due to four important aspects: security, efficiency, accessibility, and compliance.

eLab Feature Support

After logging in to eLab, the following links will allow you to access a variety of resources and materials on your own:

If you still have questions, submit a support request to eLab.

UNMC eLab Login

If you already have a valid UNMC eLab account, please log in to eLab using your UNMC credentials. If you have any issues with your password, please reach out to ITS help desk. Please note RITO does not have the rights to change your UNMC credentials.

New Accounts

Laboratories who are interested in using the eLab suite can submit the new eLab account request form. The initial request must be completed on behalf of the primary PI for the laboratory. After the lab's account is setup, the PI can assign additional users (students, postdocs, staff, etc) to their eLab instance. Each assigned additional user account is subject to the charge listed in the section below as well.


While there are costs associated with eLab, when compared to the existing costs for paper lab notebooks, concerns of students/staff leaving with data, and the difficulty in looking up projects in old notebooks (and deciphering the writing), many laboratories are finding eLab to be well worth the price.

Effective from July 1st, 2022, the eLab environment including hosting server fee is covered by the VCR office, however each active eLab user account is subject to a charge of $120/year for the license fee billed by the vendor.

Need help with eLab?

For eLab training and features, Please refer to our eLab training page and features page. Additional training and feature information can be found on the eLabNext website and their product page.

For eLab billing and UNMC-specific policies, please contact rito@unmc.edu, who will respond within 2-5 business days.

Any service and support on eLab plugin and data management are considered as additional RITO services, which are subject to a fee (see Core Rates).