UNMC VETSmile Dental Clinic


Ensuring Veterans Receive the Dental Care They Deserve

The VETSmile Dental Clinic at the UNMC College of Dentistry addresses the urgent need for accessible dental services within the veteran community. Only 15% of veterans enrolled in VA health care are eligible for dental benefits. Recognizing this critical need, Gerard Kugel, DMD, PhD, dean of the UNMC College of Dentistry, and Gregory Bennett, DMD, a veteran and interim chair of the Department of Adult Restorative Dentistry, spearheaded this initiative.

In collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs’ VETSmile program, the College of Dentistry offers affordable or complimentary dental services to veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system but are not eligible for dental benefits and receive their primary care through the Lincoln VA Clinic. Lincoln VA Clinic primary care providers refer eligible veterans to the program.

Veterans receive quality dental care from UNMC students and establish a dental home for ongoing care and preventative services. UNMC and the College of Dentistry honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans, ensuring they receive the dental care they deserve while simultaneously providing our students with important clinical experiences. 

The UNMC VETSmile Dental Clinic makes a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have bravely served this nation.

UNMC VETSmile Clinic FAQs

Who is eligible? Do I need a referral?
Eligible patients are veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care system but are not eligible for dental benefits and receive their primary care through the Lincoln VA Clinic. You must receive a referral from your primary care provider at the Lincoln VA Clinic.

What services are offered and do I have to pay for this care?
Comprehensive dental care, restoration and treatment of oral disease are available for no out-of-pocket costs. Non-medically necessary services, such as cosmetic procedures, may be available at a reduced cost.

Can I get travel and mileage reimbursement from VA?
No, travel and mileage reimbursement from the VA for appointments and treatment are not covered. More information.


UNMC VETSmile Dental Clinic  |  Phone: 402-472-0206 
Location: UNMC College of Dentistry (On UNL's East Campus, 40th & Holdrege St.)
Address: 4000 East Campus Loop South, Lincoln, NE 68583-0740