Alumni Association Membership

There are currently 4,400 College of Dentistry alumni worldwide who are shaping the future of oral health care. Our alumni are actively engaged in patient care, research, and education, working each day to improve oral health in Nebraska and beyond.

Alumni support has greatly enhanced the College of Dentistry. We thank our alumni for their unwavering dedication to the College and the meaningful impact they have on our students, faculty, staff, and patients.

Membership in the CODAA


Upon graduation, all College of Dentistry alumni receive automatic membership into the UNMC College of Dentistry Alumni Association (CODAA). Alumni are actively engaged in the education, research, outreach and clinical goals of the college. 

UNMC alumni also receive automatic membership into the UNMC Alumni Association.

College of Dentistry Alumni Opportunities


Attend Alumni Events

Annual alumni events include the College of Dentistry Alumni Reunion in October, alumni receptions at national meetings, and more.

Learn more.


Nominate Peers for Alumni Awards

Help recognize alumni and friends of the college for their outstanding contributions and service to the College of Dentistry, the Alumni Association and their communities. 

Learn more.


Join the Alumni Council

Our mission is to engage alumni and support UNMC. Our vision is informed, inspired and invested alumni and friends. Our core values are teamwork, communication, pride, and service.

Learn more.

Give to the College


College of Dentistry Innovation Fund

Gifts to this fund are directed toward emerging, critical college priorities, allowing supporters to take part in important college initiatives.

Learn more.


Join the Dean's Club

The College of Dentistry Dean's Club recognizes donors whose generosity reflects their strong support of the future of the college.

Learn more.


Only in Nebraska Campaign

This campaign supports:

  • student access and success
  • enhancing faculty, academic and clinical excellence
  • transformational research and innovation

Learn more.