Biosketch How To

A Biosketch is a version of your Curriculum Vitae that is required by most sponsors of research.   

NIH Biosketches 

Compliance with NIH policy requires that each investigator understand the following with regard to reporting information via the Biosketch: 

  1. Biosketches are required documents in competitive proposals and some RPPRs. 
  2. NIH uses a standard Biosketch format, and that format is periodically updated (e.g., 2021, previously in 2014). 
  3. The investigator is responsible for ensuring that his/her Biosketch includes all domestic and foreign positions, appointments and affiliations (regardless of whether they are paid, unpaid, volunteer, guest, adjunct, honorary) that are relevant to the application. 
    1. NIH's NOT-OD-19-114 is a reminder that documentation submitted by UNMC to NIH must provide transparency with regard to Foreign Influence.  Such documentation takes multiple forms including Other Support and Biosketch documents, Foreign Component information, and Conflict of Interest disclosures.  
  4. New: Per NOT-OD-21-110, for submissions due on or after January 25, 2022, the format of the Biosketches (one for Fellowships and one for non-Fellowships) has been restructured. 

Section A 

Section B 

Section D 

Updated SciENcv Template 

Effective Date 


NIH Sources  


UNMC Policy Reminder 

Investigators are responsible for providing Biosketches that comply with both Sponsor and UNMC requirements.  


UNMC’s policy, Policy No. 8014 Disclosing Foreign Support and International Activitiesreminds researchers of the disclosure requirements: 

Disclosures of Activities Supported by Foreign Entities or Individuals are subject to review by the relevant academic program leader, the Chief Compliance Officer, the Export Control Director, and other UNMC officials as appropriate…When applying for external research funding, UNMC personnel must also comply with any disclosure requirements imposed by the funding organization. In many cases, this may require making separate disclosures to UNMC in addition to any disclosures required by the external funding organization.… Failure to comply with this policy will result in corrective or disciplinary action …, including termination, dismissal, or exclusion from participation in federally funded activities. 


UNMC’s Policy No. 8010 Conflict of Interest Policy 

UNMC’s Policy No. 1049 Outside Employment