If the ultimate goal of a UNMC sponsored project is to improve the health, then transferring UNMC intellectual property from the academic laboratory to the marketplace is a key step. UNeMed is the technology transfer arm of UNMC.
Bayh-Dole Act
The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-517; 35 U.S.C. 200-212) provides incentives for the practical application of research supported through federal funding. It strikes a balance between ensuring the timely transfer of the technology to the private sector and protecting the limited rights of the Federal government. Per the Bayh-Dole Act, UNMC must:
- Report all subject inventions to NIH
- Make efforts to commercialize the subject invention through patent or licensing
- Formally acknowledge the Federal government’s support in all patents that arise from the subject invention
- Formally grant the Federal government a limited use license to the subject invention
Invention Reporting
To meet Bayh-Dole requirements, UNeMed reports federally funded inventions to the federal government via the iEdison system.
In addition to Bayh-Dole requirements, grant applications and progress reports must indicate whether or not any subject inventions were made and, if inventions were made, if whether they were reported.
Export Control
Federal laws prohibit the unlicensed export of certain items when:
- The item has actual or potential military applications
- The item is covered by economic protections
- The Government has concerns about the destination country, organization, or individual
- The Government has concerns about the declared or suspected end use or the end user
An export is any oral, written, electronic or visual disclosure, shipment, transfer or transmission of commodities, technology, information, technical data, assistance or software codes to:
- Anyone outside the U.S. including a U.S. citizen
- A non-U.S. individual wherever they are (deemed export)
- A foreign embassy or affiliate
Most exports do not require government licenses. However, licenses are required for exports that the U.S. government considers "license controlled" under:
- Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regulations
- Department of State's International Traffic In Arms Regulations
- Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control
Read the UNMC Policy on Export Control.