As soon as you determine interest in a particular project or study, be sure to contact your department administrator, clinical coordinator if applicable, and the SPAdmin Coordinator. They are familiar with the research infrastructure and administrative requirements and can help you get off to a good start. Roles and responsibilities are as follows:
Principal Investigators
- Lead and direct all aspects of the project
- Recruit personnel and collaborators
- Negotiate budget with the sponsor (or assign to departmental staff)
- Arrange for lab space and equipment
- Obtain regulatory approvals prior to initiating project
- Ensure the integrity and timeliness of information provided to SPAdmin
- Verify that Conflict of Interest disclosures are current
- Communicate with staff who generate your internal forms for institutional approval
- Sign internal forms
Departmental Staff (Administrators and Coordinators if applicable)
- Assist investigators with project or study start-up activities, which may include negotiating budgets, submitting regulatory applications and clinical trial matrices and coordinating consent form approvals
- Manage UNMC’s financial systems, maintaining the integrity of the financial transactions in those systems in keeping with UNMC Policy #8012 (
- Generate internal forms for signature
- Interface with SPAdmin, sponsors, and regulatory bodies
SPAdmin Personnel
- Negotiate agreements and amendments to protect institutional and investigator interests and to ensure compliance with sponsor and institutional requirements
- Attached finalized study budget provided by investigator to contract prior to contract signature
- Review Conflict of Interest disclosures for personnel on the project
- Review and approve internal forms prior to institutional signature
- Interface with regulatory bodies
- Prepare and finalize awards for set-up
SPAccting Personnel
- Set up awards in SAP
- Monitor revenue, cost share, and expenditures for allowability
- Invoice sponsors for cost reimbursable or fixed price amounts
- Prepare and submit financial reports to sponsors
- Reconcile and lock SAP WBS