Our Campus Culture
At the UNMC College of Dentistry, we strive to ensure that our patients, students, staff, faculty, and community members feel a true sense of belonging. We are committed to fostering a humanistic environment and an inclusive culture for all. We respect and value the voices, ideas, and contributions of every individual within our community.
The college uses the definition of belonging from the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Faculty Diversity Toolkit:
Belonging: The extent to which a person feels connected to or a part of the campus community and includes one’s subjective evaluation of the quality of connections with others on campus or in the community. A sense of belonging contains both cognitive and affective aspects of the individual’s cognitive assessment of their role in relationship to the group.
The College of Dentistry supports and adheres to the UNMC Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy.
We support the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) policy on belonging.