Beyond Borders

2004 Additional
Photo Contest Entries

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Title: "Front Street"
Location: Toronto, Canada
Submitted by Michael Burrows
Category: Students/Residents

Walking back from the Society of Leukocyte Biology meeting, I snapped a picture of traffic flying past the Fairmont Hotel. Across the street a film crew was finishing up the last scene for the night."

Title: "A Home Visit"
Location: Manaus, Amazonus, Brazil 
Submitted by Ellen Davis-Hall 
Category: Faculty/Staff

This child waits at the door of her one room house built out of used lumber where she lives with her mother and three siblings. Her baby brother is being examined on the single bed inside. Plans are being made for the brother�s upcoming heart surgery at one of the tertiary national hospitals in Brazil."


Title: "El Mariachi"
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Submitted by Michael Sather
Category: Student/Resident

I have a genuine interest in listening to the sounds of other cultures. Walking down the beach, we could hear the sounds of the mariachis from afar. The sounds, from both the instruments and the singers, were uniquely Mexican. They truly enjoyed playing for the groups of people along the beach. It was fun to watch. Despite the fact that my Spanish skills are below understanding the meaning of the songs, much meaning could be gained by listening and watching the actions."

Title: "Majestic Rocks"
Location: Yosemite National Park 
Submitted by Katalin Rabl
Category: Faculty/Staff

"Yosemite is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, visited by thousands of people from all over the world every year. National Parks are the last islands of nature, having a global impact on conservation of biodiversity. They help ensure the beauty of the Earth will also be seen by future generations."


Title: "Conversation in the Rain"
Location: Mulund, India
Submitted by Ganesh Suryanarayanan
Category: Student/Resident

These kids don�t seem to be bothered by the heavy rain. I saw them talking to each other in the middle of the street in front of my apartment in India. The boy in the middle was talking to one of his friends (not in the picture).  Seeing them reminded me of my childhood days."

Title: "Welcome To My Home"
Location: Manaus, Amazonus, Brazil
Submitted by Ellen Davis-Hall
Category: Faculty/Staff

This lovely young Brazilian woman welcomed our medical team to a home of brick walls without windows. Most �rooms� even lacked a roof. The home housed six adults and a newborn. We delivered commodities to a new breastfeeding mother and checked the infant. The strength of the family unit was obvious."


Title: "Wassup Doc?"
Location:  Omaha, NE
Submitted by Ronald Shikiya
Category: Students/Residents

�This picture was taken on the UNO campus. I was impressed by this coqueto squirrel who was not afraid of pictures.�

Title: "Family of Origins"
Location: Rural health clinic, Tovar, Haiti 
Submitted by Ellen Loeys
Category: Students/Residents

�The blind elderly gentleman was escorted to the clinic by his grand daughter. We all posed for a picture after I had given him an injection for his arthritis. Though I was born in the Bahamas of Haitian parents, I had never visited Haiti. Working in the rural Haitian clinic last summer gave me the opportunity to use my newly acquired nursing skills, but I also gained new insights into the land and culture of my family�s origins. Looking at the picture back home in Omaha, I was struck by the similarities between my face and the young girl�s. She could have passed for my younger sister.�

Title: "Black Boona"
Location: Jima, Ethiopia, Africa 
Submitted by Jeremiah Ladd
Category: Students/Residents

�As part of a Christian mission team sent to Eastern Africa, I was privileged to spend several days teaching and interacting with Sudanese refugees. With a stern demeanor and warm heart, each man leads his tribe with pride, for their joy is in their faith and their family�not easily shaken by the war and poverty surrounding them. Sudan means �black� and their skin is as black as the �boona� (coffee) they drink.�


Title: "Natura"
Location: Carbondale, IL
Submitted by Ronald Shikiya
Category: Student/Resident

"This picture was taken at Touch of Nature Camping Park in Carbondale, IL. This is a pretty color combination of nature."


Title: "Colorful Gaze"
Location: Rural Ethiopia � Eastern Africa 
Submitted by Jeremiah Ladd
Category: Students/Residents

�Traveling through the African countryside en route to the village of Jima, I was surprised to encounter a group of young Ethiopian women working in the road. Their colorful clothing was striking amidst the muddy pathway, but ever more so their intent gazes as I snapped their photo�engaging them for but a moment away from their hard labor.�


Title: "Gana Chetana"
Location: Orissa, India 
Submitted by Michael Burrows
Category: Students/Residents

�Sitting in the mayor�s hut, children kept walking by curious about who we were and what we were doing. These two children were fascinated with our strange clothes.�

Title: "A peacock camouflaging in colourful tropical foliage"
Location:  Delhi, India
Submitted by Pankaj Singh
Category: Students/Residents

�This picture shows a magnificent peacock having body colour matching the foliage to hide it from its predators and its prey. The peacock is a beautiful Asian bird, famous for its strikingly splendid tail feathers. It is the national bird of India and is symbolic of beauty, pride and Hindu lord Krishna.�



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