Disease Specific Biobanks & Registries

Patient registries have been developed to identify individuals who would be interested in participating in research studies related to a specific disease or as a normal control, or in some cases to collect data that can be later studied to identify what might be causes of certain diseases, or what factors make them progress faster.

 UNMC associated Registries are listed below.  If you are a patient or family member interested in donating or participating in a registry contact the coordinator listed below.  For assistance in locating a registry not listed here contact the Research Subject Advocate's office at 402-559-6941 or email

 Registries & Biobanks  Contact Information

Cancer (iCaRe2
iCaRe2  consolidates cancer specific registries with biospecimen banks to provide resources that foster and improve th efficiency of cancer-related research and facilitates collaborations among centers.

included in iCaRe2 

BCCR Breast Cancer Collaborative Registry 
GACCaRe Gastrointestinal & Abdominal
GUCaRe Genitourinary
HNCaRe Head & Neck Cancer Registry
PCCR Pancreatic
TOCR Thoracic
TCCR Thyroid Tumor & Cancer Collaborative
Normal Controls (GPHID)


Michelle Desler, MS


Normal Control Registry 
[Great Plains Health Informatics Database (GPHD)] 
Michelle Desler, MS
Cystic Fibrosis Registry Jill Fliege, MS, APRN
The Nebraska Biobank 
Deidentified serum, plasma, and DNA samples

Purnima Guda, PhD
Operations Director, Nebraska Biobank
Director, EHR Data Core 

Yuning Zhang, PhD, BMI Navigator


Diabetes, Obesity, and Complications (DOCR) Registry  Ana Laura Morales 
Internal Medicine Biobanks Contact Person(s)
Nebraska Parkinson's Disease Registry Jill Krause
NE Department of Health and Human Services
Paraffin Tissue Bank 
de-identified formalin fixed, paraffin embedded human tissues with a variety of neoplastic & non-neoplastic diseases paired with normal samples.
Geoffrey Talmon, MD, Director
Theresa Faure, MBA, PTB Project Manager
Salma Elhag, BSc, PTB Technologist 402-559-4123
Rheumatoid Arthritis Investigational Network
James O'Dell, MD, Director 
RAIN Database PI: Kaleb Michaud, PhD  402-559-7239
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Lupus and other Rheumatic Diseases Registry Kaleb Michaud, PhD
Tissue Procurement Shared Resource Benjamin Swanson, MD, PhD