File a Complaint
Any UNMC student, faculty or staff member who experiences sexual violence can file a complaint in accordance with Title IX policy.
If you are a victim of sexual violence, consider filing a complaint with UNMC. You can also consider reporting the incident to your local police department. You may do so any time after you experienced sexual violence. The police have investigators who are trained to handle sexual violence cases in a sensitive manner.
All individuals are expected to promptly report conduct that may violate the university’s sexual misconduct policy to the university. Although the university does not limit the time frame for reporting sexual misconduct, to promote timely and effective review the university strongly encourages individuals to report possible sexual misconduct within 180 calendar days of the last occurrence of the concerning conduct.
In addition, all individuals are expected to report conduct that may also violate criminal law to both the Title IX coordinator and to local law enforcement. These processes are not mutually exclusive and both may happen simultaneously or at different times.
- Carmen Sirizzotti
Title IX Coordinator
University of Nebraska Medical Center
2010 Administrative Center
402-559-2710 - Public Safety/Campus Security
4215 Emile St.
402-559-5111 - Local law enforcement to file a criminal complaint.
- The University of Nebraska hotline is available at EthicsPoint or by phone at 1-844-348-9584.
- Additionally, reports may be made to the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by visiting OCR complaint forms or calling 1-800-421-3481.
Anonymous Reporting
Any individual may make a report of sexual misconduct to the university, and if preferred, may do so without disclosing one’s name. Depending on the level of information available about the incident or the individuals involved, the university’s ability to respond to an anonymous report may be limited.
Anonymous reports may be made via the University of Nebraska hotline at EthicsPoint or by phone at 1-844-348-9584.
The university shall keep confidential the identity of any individual who has made a report or complaint of sex discrimination, including any individual who has made a report or filed a formal complaint of sexual misconduct, any complainant, any respondent and any witness, except as may be permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or as required by law, or to carry out the purposes of Title IX, including conducting any investigation, hearing or judicial proceeding arising thereunder.
The university may be required to share information with other individuals in accordance with FERPA, Title IX or other applicable law, including lawfully issued subpoenas in criminal, administrative and civil matters.