University of Nebraska Medical Center

Sanctions for Violation of Misconduct Policy

If a student is found to have violated the UNMC sexual misconduct policy, one or more of the following sanctions may be imposed:

  • A formal written warning in the student’s conduct file.
  • Probation for a designated period of time.
  • Loss of university privileges for a specified period of time.
  • Monetary or other compensation for loss, damage or injury.
  • Discretionary sanctions (such as community service, work assignments, educational requirements) which are appropriate under the circumstances.
  • Resident hall relocation.
  • Residence hall suspension.
  • Residence hall expulsion.
  • University suspension
  • University expulsion.
  • University ban and bar.


If an employee is found to have violated the UNMC sexual misconduct policy, one or more of the following sanctions may be imposed:

  • Verbal warning.
  • Written warning.
  • Transfer.
  • Completion of mandatory conditions (such as educational requirements).
  • Suspension without pay.
  • Nonrenewal or non-reappointment.
  • Loss of rank or position.
  • Denial of salary increase.
  • Activity termination.
  • Demotion in rank and/or pay.
  • Termination of employment.
  • Ban on university re-employment.
  • University ban and bar.