University of Nebraska Medical Center

Program for Thoracic Organ Preservation and Rejuvenation

The Nebraska Medical Center is unique as the sole regional center that performs all solid organ transplantation. Currently a large gap exists nationally between the availability of organs for transplant and the number of patients in need of transplant. Additionally, the early function of the transplanted organ is critical to a successful transplant.

The UNMC program for organ preservation and rejuvenation embraces the philosophy that we can both increase the utilization of solid organs for transplant, and enhance the performance of those organs through: 1) An improved understanding of the mechanism of donor organ injury; 2) Strategies to reduce and counter donor organ injury; and 3) Strategies to increase organ acceptance from potential donors.

The program has both research and clinical components with involvement in several clinical registries, trials and research protocols.

Dr. Marian Urban

Marian Urban, MD, Thoracic Organ Preservation and Rejuvenation Program Director

Dr. Urban has a longstanding scientific interest in thoracic organ recovery, optimization, and allocation. He is a recipient of an International Traveling Fellowship Award and Transplant Registry Early Career Award from the International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation.