University of Nebraska Medical Center

Roles & Responsibilities

The following information explains the student responsibilities and the Accessibility Services Center responsibilities in the accommodations process.

Student Responsibilities

The following are your responsibilities as a student seeking accommodations.

  • You are responsible for initiating the accommodation request process. You must contact the Accessibility Services Center to formally request services and reasonable accommodations based on a disability. Once the connection is made, the interactive process will begin to formulate an individual accommodation plan.
  • You must self-identify to the center in advance, or as soon as possible, once the disability is identified and when seeking all accommodations in courses including the classroom and clinical experience settings. Accommodations are not retroactive.
  • You must provide appropriate documentation by a treating provider that contains the diagnosis, functional limitations caused by diagnosis, recommendations for accommodation and written on official letterhead from the provider's office.
  • You must self-disclose to the center if changes in accommodations are necessary.
  • You must follow the specific procedures outlined in the accommodation request process provided by the center for obtaining appropriate accommodations, modifications and/auxiliary aides.
  • You must understand that accommodations plans may need to be modified for the clinical training components of a particular UNMC academic program. If you anticipate a need for modified accommodations during clinical training, you should contact the center as soon as possible in advance of the clinical experience.
  • If changes need to be made to your current accommodation plan, you are responsible for reaching out to the center as soon as possible.
  • You are responsible for sending your accommodation plan to each faculty, each semester that you plan on utilizing your accommodations.
  • If clinical accommodations are necessary, you are responsible for engaging in an additional intake meeting to establish reasonable accommodations.
  • If you anticipate a need for accommodations during clinical training, you should contact the center as soon as possible.


Accessibility Services Center Responsibilities

The following are  the Accessibility Services Center's responsibilities as outlined in ADA Policy.

  1. Correspond or meet with you, the student, to assist with completing the request for services form, discuss possible accommodations and formulate a reasonable accommodation plan.
  2. Review documentation of disability status and recommendations from appropriate health providers who have assessed the student.
  3. Consider disability accommodations provided at previous educational institutions.
  4. Write the official student accommodation plan.
  5. Coordinate with faculty on the provision of accommodations.
  6. Provide consultation services to the faculty and student when adjustments to the accommodation plan may be required due to specific course/clinical requirements or when questions arise concerning what is a reasonable accommodation.