Accessibility Services Center
The Accessibility Services Center aims to cultivate an accessible and inclusive community where students with permanent and temporary disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of campus life. We facilitate student advocacy, learning, and access through partnerships with students, faculty, and staff.
The Accessibility Services Center (ASC) offers accessibility related services to students who have a documented medical condition or disability in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendment Act of 2008. Accommodations can be established within the classroom and clinical settings to ensure equal access. Each accommodation request initiates an interactive 1:1 process between the student and center staff to find what accommodations and services best meet a student's needs.
2023-2024 Statistics
See our impact on students during the 2023-2024 school year.
Over 330 students registered for services, including learners from each college and program offered. There was over a 10% increase of learners registered with the Accessibility Services Center from Spring 2023 to Fall 2024.
Fifty-three percent of our learners identify as neurodiverse, including ASD, ADHD, learning disabilities and psychiatric diagnoses. Additionally, we work with students with multiple disabilities and medical conditions. Nearly 18% of our learners identify with having multiple conditions, a 6% increase since last academic year.
Over 525 1:1 consultations were conducted to ensure students receive the proper accommodation plan that fits their needs, support and advocacy.
ASC Services
The Accessibility Services Center (ASC) has the responsibility of providing appropriate assistance to students with disabilities and guidance to faculty in facilitating accommodations and determining what is a reasonable accommodation.
- Understand the ASC responsibilities in the accommodations process.
- Meet our staff.
For Students
From maps to parking information to accessibility tools, explore the resources available to students. Find information about the campus shuttle.
For Faculty/Staff
Explore the resources available for faculty and staff who serve students who identify themselves as having physical, psychological, sensory, or learning disabilities.
Contact Us
The ASC is located in Suite 2031 on the second floor of the UNMC Student Life Center (3908 Jones St Omaha, NE 68105). Find us on the map.
Accommodation Request Process
It is your responsibility as a student to disclose and request accommodations. You are responsible for initiating the accommodation request process by contacting the Accessibility Services Center to formally request services and reasonable accommodations based on a disability. Once the connection is made, the interactive process will begin to formulate an individual accommodation plan.
While you can inquire about or request accommodations at any time during the academic year, it is important to understand that accommodations are not retroactive in nature. You should complete the accommodation request process as soon as possible, ideally prior to the start of the semester and at any time where additional accommodations may be needed. All accommodation services are provided on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the need of the student is being met appropriately.
Understand your student responsibilities in the accommodations process.
Your Student Responsibilities After an Accommodations Plan is Formulated
- You are responsible for sending your accommodation plan to each faculty, each semester that you plan on utilizing your accommodations.
- If changes need to be made to your current accommodation plan, you are responsible for reaching out to the center as soon as possible to self-disclose that changes in accommodations are necessary.
- You must follow the specific procedures outlined in the accommodation request process provided by the center for obtaining appropriate accommodations, modifications and/auxiliary aides.
- You should understand that accommodations plans may need to be modified for the clinical training components of a particular UNMC academic program. If you anticipate a need for modified accommodations during clinical training, you should contact the center as soon as possible in advance of the clinical experience. If clinical accommodations are necessary, you are responsible for engaging in an additional intake meeting to establish reasonable accommodations.