Accommodation Request Process
Students who have a documented medical condition or disability that substantially limits a major life activity, both temporary and permanent, may qualify for accessibility-based services from the Accessibility Services Center. Though not an exhaustive list, some examples of substantially limiting diagnoses could include those with physical, psychological, medical or learning conditions. Examples include: ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, mobility concerns, Type 1 diabetes.
Completing the Self-Identification Form helps the center to determine a student's particular needs and individual requests.
Documentation must contain your diagnosis, functional limitations caused by diagnosis, recommendations for accommodation and written on official letterhead from the provider's office. Documentation can be emailed to or faxed to 402-559-9671.
The center has the ability to request additional documentation if the original documentation provided is not sufficient to determine reasonable accommodations by requesting your provider to complete the Provider Evaluation Form.
During this meeting our staff will continue the interactive process to decide reasonable accommodations based on the student's request for accommodations and documentation provided.
If necessary, the student and Accessibility Services Center staff member will develop an accommodation plan.

Documentation Guidance
Read to learn more about the documentation and reasonable accommodation guidance.