UNMC Student Senate
The UNMC Student Senate exists for the purpose of influencing University policy and promoting the interests of all students attending UNMC. As the official representative of the student body, the Senate consists of senators from each educational unit of UNMC.
The UNMC Student Senate office is located on the second floor of Williams Science Hall. Meetings are held monthly and are open to all students and to the public. If you have questions about the Student Senate, please contact the current president or faculty advisor.

Contact Student Senate
The UNMC Student Senate wants to hear from you! Contact us with your ideas, concerns, comments and questions.
Get Involved with Student Senate
Become a Senator
Class presidents or vice-presidents automatically serve as senate representatives upon election. At-large senators are elected each year in the spring by their fellow students in Allied Health Professions, Graduate Studies, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health. The president of UNMC Student Senate serves as a non-voting member of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.
BOSS Proposals
Student Senate BOSS Proposals: Open Oct. 1, 2024 through April 1, 2025, for events and initiatives scheduled before September 2024.
Updated Sept. 30, 2024
Tips for Submitting a BOSS Proposal
Schedule a meeting with Kiara Kocsis-Gregurich
Student Senate Leadership
College of Allied Health Professions
Allissa Flynn
Senator PA
Liam Dessing
Senator At-Large
Kyle Goodban
Senator At-Large
Jayson Henrickson
Senator At-Large
Tristan Larson
Senator At-Large
Justin Pettit
Senator At-Large
Keenan Taylor
Senator At-Large
College of Dentistry
Joshua Madsen
Senator At-Large
College of Medicine
Pranita Devaraju
Senate President/Student Regent
College of Medicine President, Class of 2025
Brock Calamari
College of Medicine President, Class of 2026
Policy and Advocacy Liaison
Tristan Caffrey
College of Medicine President, Class of 2027
Academic Affairs
To be announced
College of Medicine President, Class of 2028
Connor Aylor
Senator At-Large
Allie Daro
Senator At-Large
Director of Student Experience
Sarah Ellington
Senator At-Large
Anna Haggart
Senator At-Large
Denise Torres
Senator At-Large
Currey Zalman
Senator At-Large
College of Nursing
To be announced
Senator At-Large
College of Pharmacy
Theodore Blum
College of Pharmacy President, Class of 2025
Daniel Kresock
College of Pharmacy President, Class of 2026
Senate Vice President
Anders Freeland
College of Pharmacy President, Class of 2027
Samuel Buss
College of Pharmacy President, Class of 2028
Meredith Ollerich
Senator At-Large
College of Public Health
Kat Burbach
College of Public Health, Class President
Bethany Burkland
Senator At-Large
Rahel Sileshi
Senator At-Large
To be announced
Senator At-Large
Graduate Studies
Evie Ehrhorn
Graduate Studies Association President
Shabnam Arash
Senator At-Large
Abigail Hall
Senator At-Large
Sakshi Khairnar
Senator At-Large
Jordan Knapp
Senator At-Large
Nivedata Krishna Kumar
Senator At-Large
Lacey Merica
Senator At-Large
Gunjan Misri
Senator At-Large
Venkatesh Varadharaj
Senator At-Large

Phil Covington, EdD
Associate Vice Chancellor, Division of Student Success
Faculty Advisor, UNMC Student Senate