University of Nebraska Medical Center

Required Immunizations

All incoming, on-campus students must document receipt of immunizations prior to registration. Online students (except students whose training includes clinical settings and patient contact) are exempt.

Additional immunizations may be required before working in clinical or community partnerships. Please review immunization guidelines set by UNMC Student Health for additional immunization requirements and due dates.

Submit Documentation

  • Access submission instructions.
  • Submit records through MyRecords, using your UNMC NetID and log in information.
  • Submit all immunization records simultaneously. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Required Immunizations and Documentation

Immunization Documentation

COVID-19 Vaccine

  • Documentation of vaccines

  • Declination of vaccine

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

  • Documentation of two (2) doses of varicella vaccine 

  • Evidence of immunity documented by a serologic blood test

Flu Vaccine

  • Documentation of current flu vaccine 

  • Declination of vaccine

Hepatitis B

  • Documentation of three (3) vaccine series and a positive Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer (required)
  • A positive titer alone will be accepted with lab report.

MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella)

  • Documentation of two (2) vaccines

  • Positive antibody titers (blood test) for all three diseases


  • Documentation of most current polio vaccine

  • If US born citizen, please complete the No Travel Consent.


  • Documentation of a two-step TB skin test (One test consists of a placement and a read. Two tests will need to be completed). 

  • Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA blood test), Quantiferon (blood test) or T spot (blood test)


Required upon admission to program.

Tdap Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis
  • Documentation of one (1) current dose of Tdap within the last ten (10) years

Please review the UNMC Immunization Policy for a full break down of each requirement.