Wigton Heritage Center

UNMC to hold groundbreaking ceremony for Wigton Heritage Center
Facility will celebrate/memorialize UNMC’s history, while serving as a campus welcome center
The University of Nebraska Medical Center will hold a ceremony at 11 a.m. on Monday, June 24, to celebrate the groundbreaking for the Wigton Heritage Center and the launch of the renovation of Wittson Hall.
Press Kit Documents
Robert Wigton, MD
Video soundbite (mp4)
Robert Wigton, MD
Audio soundbite (mp3)
"As the medical center becomes more prominent there’s a lot of visitors, all the way from students interested in entering the different medical fields, because we have a large number of them here, not just medicine and nursing, and also visitors from all over the globe because this has become more well-known internationally."
Robert Wigton, MD
Audio soundbite (mp3)
“It represents a number of things. One is I represents an introduction to the repository of information in the library. But it also represents a window for people outside to get a view of what the medical center is all about, what’s new, where it came from and some of the builders and people who made it what it is.”
Robert Wigton, MD
Audio soundbite (mp3)
“I’m very proud to have the Wigton name on the building for many reasons, but one is to honor my father and grandfather and everyone in the extended family who will, I think, appreciate it.”
Emily McElroy, Director, UNMC McGoogan Health Sciences Library
Audio soundbite (mp3)
“We are telling the story of UNMC’s history and outstanding medical achievements that have affected the lives of countless Nebraskans.”
Emily McElroy, Director, UNMC McGoogan Health Sciences Library
Audio soundbite (mp3)
“The people who have walked through these doors for generations — faculty, preceptors, students, researchers, administrators and community champions — have left their marks, and in doing so, have defined UNMC's past, present and future.”
Emily McElroy, Director, UNMC McGoogan Health Sciences Library
Audio soundbite (mp3)
“The Wigton Heritage Center will serve as a catalyst for understanding, experiencing and appreciating UNMC’s unique heritage. Gallery and digital exhibit space will articulate UNMC’s story and history through McGoogan Health Sciences Library’s vast special collections, artifacts, archives and rare books.”
Emily McElroy, Director, UNMC McGoogan Health Sciences Library
Audio soundbite (mp3)
“Through these displays, McGoogan Health Sciences Library’s special collections will come alive to educate, engage and enlighten visitors on topics like women in medicine, prominent alumni contributions and much more.”