Acknowledgement sample for Research IT Office support
This publication/presentation/poster/review article uses the services provided by the Research and Information Technology Office at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, which is supported by UNMC's Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.
Acknowledgement sample for IDeA-CTR support on REDCap
UNMC REDCap is partially supported by the GP IDeA-CTR, please be sure to cite the Great Plains IDeA-CTR in any publication, presentation, press release, or other material(s) where you have used UNMC REDCap. Please see the preferred citation language below and reach out to Angela Batson with any questions!
"The project described is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, U54 GM115458, which funds the Great Plains IDeA-CTR Network. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH."