University of Nebraska Medical Center


Core Facility Resource Grant Insert Statement  

The UNMC NMR Core Facility can acquire data on your analyte research compounds in deuterated solvent for you or train your designated research personnel in NMR spectrometer operation. Instrumentation is available in Eppley Science Hall and in Buffet Cancer Center as best fits your research logistics. Our NMR spectrometers (Bruker 400 and 600 MHz Avance III) are equipped with robotic sample changers for maximum through put and timely assay. 


The facility is supported by a CORE grant from the National Cancer Institute (NIH) as well as the Nebraska Research Initiative. Facility operational costs are partially covered via chargebacks to the users. Please remember to acknowledge the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center as well as the Cancer Center Support Grant for all applicable publications. 

Rigor and Reproducibility Statement 

Spectrometer performance is assured by using ASTM standard solutions at monthly intervals. Specifically spectrometer magnetic field homogeneity is monitored by using a sealed standard of dilute sucrose in 90% H2O/10% D2O and observing efficacy of water suppression and resolution of anomeric proton doublet in acquired spectra. This sucrose sample is also used to determine stability of Hydrogen observe pulse 90-degree calibration through use of Bruker “pulsecal” application. Carbon pulse 90-degree stability is confirmed routinely by conducting the “dept135” pulse sequence on ASTM standard of 10% Ethylbenzene in CDCl3 and documenting performance. If this result is sub-par a full iterative pulse calibration on ASTM sample C13 indirect detection standard #1 (an isotopically enriched Iodo-methane-C13 with CrAcAc3 relaxation agent) is performed and observe parameters updated accordingly.