Instruments and Services
Blood Chemistry Analyzer
VetScan VS2 is a state-of-the-art chemistry, electrolyte, immunoassay, and blood gas analyzer that delivers uncompromising accuracy from just two drops of whole blood, serum, or plasma. It has a high level of flexibility and analyzes up to 14 different parameters grouped in eight different indication-related diagnostic profiles.
- Reliable results: levels of precision and accuracy attainable with this equipment are comparable to what you get from large-scale laboratories due to use of wet chemical analytical reactions
- Minimum sample volume: only 100 microliters of whole blood is enough to measure up to 14 different parameters
- Real-time medicine: measures up to 14 different parameters in only eight minutes
- Since the analysis is done directly from whole blood, time-consuming sample preparation in the form of centrifugation is no longer necessary.
Dynamic Light Scattering & Zeta Potential Meter
NanoZS (Malvern)
- Dynamic light scattering for size characterization of proteins, nanoparticles, polymers, and colloidal dispersions.
- Typical applications of dynamic light scattering are the characterization of particles, emulsions or molecules which have been dispersed or dissolved in a liquid. The Brownian motion of particles or molecules in suspension causes laser light to be scattered at different intensities. Analysis of these intensity fluctuations yields the velocity of the Brownian motion and hence the particle size using the Stokes-Einstein relationship.
- Accurate, reliable and repeatable particle size analysis in one or two minutes, suitable for measurement of sizes from <1 nanometer to >10 micrometers.
FlouroMax-4 (Horiba)
- It’s a compact spectrofluorometer offers the ultimate sensitivity in fluorescence investigations.
- High performance tabletop fluorometer offers extended performance with Time Correlated Single Photon Counting lifetime measurements as short as 25
picoseconds, or detection of emission spectra out to 1700 nanometers.
- Application for measurement fluorescent intensity for due-labeled macromolecules.
- Absorbance, fluorescence, kinetic studies.
- Pyrene assay: critical micelle concentration and critical aggregation concentration measurements.
Field Flow Fractionator
Eclipse Dual Tech
Field flow fractionation is a versatile technique for achieving analytical and semi-preparative separations. It is applicable to a wide range of analytes including proteins, polymers, viruses, gene vectors, liposomal drug nanoparticles, engineered nanoparticles, colloids and nanoemulsions. Covering a range of sizes from 1 nanometer to 10 micrometers, the field flow fractionator offers programmable separation power for enhanced resolution within any size range. Downstream of the separation channel, it has multiple online detectors—from multi-angle and dynamic light scattering to analyze complex macromolecular solutions and colloidal suspensions.
Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography
Unicorn 5.31 (GE Healthcare)
Fast protein liquid chromatography is a form of liquid chromatography that is often used to analyze or purify mixtures of proteins. As in other forms of chromatography, separation is possible because the different components of a mixture have different affinities for two materials, a moving fluid (the mobile phase) and a porous solid (the stationary phase). In fast protein liquid chromatography the mobile phase is an aqeuous solution, or "buffer". The buffer flow rate is controlled by a positive-displacement pump and is normally kept constant, while the composition of the buffer can be varied by drawing fluids in different proportions from two or more external reservoirs. The stationary phase is a resin composed of beads, usually of cross-linked agrose, packed into a cylindrical glass or plastic column. Fast protein liquid chromatography resins are available in a wide range of bead sizes and surface ligands depending on the application.
Hematology Analyzer
VetScan HM-5 is a hematology analyzer offering a comprehensive 22-parameter complete blood count including red blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and white blood cell count.
- Flexibility: analyzes 17 common species and 22 parameters, including direct eosinophil counts and eosinophil percentage, provides full CBCs analyses.
- Fast turnaround: 3-4 minutes to results for each sample (nearly 20 samples per hour).
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
NexION 300Q (Perkin Elmer)
- Offers best-in-class detection sensitivity by removing spectral interferences.
- High sample throughput.
- Determination of elements with atomic mass ranging from 7 to 250
- Extreme sensitivity to achieve lower detection limits.
- Rapid multi-element quantitative analysis.
- Isotopic analyses.
- Determination of metals concentration in biological samples.
The TD-20/20 Luminometer is a sensitive, compact Luminometer designed for use in molecular and cellular biology using firefly luciferase as a genetic reporter:
- for measuring live biomass using the ATP assay.
- for use in immunological studies with chemiluminescence technologies.
- for use in various biochemical applications.
FreeZone Freeze Dryer is designed to handle the lyophilization needs of research and pilot plant laboratories.
- Provides real-time display of collector temperature and vacuum level.
Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
The Malvern Panalytical NanoSight NS300 uses the technology of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis. This unique technology utilizes the properties of both light scattering and Brownian motion in order to obtain the size distribution and concentration measurement of particles in liquid suspension. A laser beam is passed through the sample chamber, and the particles in suspension in the path of this beam scatter light in such a manner that they can easily be visualized via 20x magnification microscope onto which is mounted a camera. The camera operates at 30 frames per second, capturing a video file of the particles moving under Brownian motion. The software tracks many particles individually and using the Stokes-Einstein equation calculates their hydrodynamic diameters.
- Simultaneous measurement of multiple characteristics, saving time and sample volume
- Suitable for exosomes and other extracellular (EVs) characterization
- Minimal sample preparation
- On board temperature control
- Choice of laser wavelengths
The Malvern Panalytical NanoSight NS300 Instrument provides an easy-to-use, reproducible platform for nanoparticle characterization.The NS300 allows rapid, automated analysis of the size distribution and concentration of all types of nanoparticles from 10 nanometers to 2000 nanometers in diameter, depending on the instrument configuration and sample type. With the ability to be supplied with interchangeable laser modules and the introduction of a motorized six-place filter wheel means different fluorescent labels can be analyzed. Sample temperature is fully programmable through the Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis software.
Nano Spray Dryer
Produces small particles (0.2-5 micrometers) in a safe and controlled manner. Gently processed the smallest sample amounts into submicron particles with minimal product loss.
Key characteristics
- Evaporation capacity: 0.2 liters/hour H2O (higher for organic solvents)
- Final particle size: 200 nanometers - 5 micrometers
- Yield: up to 90%
- Controlled and safe production of small particles (0.2-5 micrometers)
- Increase of surface contact area by reducing particle size
- Preservation of molecular activity due to gentle process conditions
- 2nd generation spray head for optimized productivity and handling ∙
- Patented airflow system for gentle solvent evaporation and high recoveries
- Auto-Stop mode avoids the machine to run empty
- Process very small volumes (< 2 milliliters) of sample quickly
- Low product loss due to efficient particle recovery
- Easily accessible application database and support
Nose-Only Exposure/Inhalation Setup
Promo 2000H (CH Technology)
The Nose-Only Directed-Flow Rodent Inhalation Exposure Unit is a modular system for the nose-only exposure of rodents (mice, hamsters, rats and guinea pigs). With slight modifications it can also be used for ferrets, rabbits, dogs and monkeys.
The system consists of the exposure tower, aerosol spectrometer (to measure aerosol sizes), liquid aerosol generator, and dry powder disperser. The modular exposure tower has stackable exposure modules plus top and bottom sections or plates for introduction and exhaust of test article. Each module has 12 exposure ports, which can be used for exposing up to 12 animals or take animal breathing zone representative samples.
Plate Reader Multi-Mode
Spectra Max M5 (Molecular Devices)
- Multi-mode microplate readers are capable of operating in two or more detection modes. Typically, they combine an absorbance plate reader, a luminescence plate reader, and a fluorescence plate reader.
- Multi-mode microplate readers are used in different research fields for the quantification of different biological and chemical assays in a microplate. These assays span over a wide wavelength range, generally from 220-900 nm in different detection modes.
- Multi-mode microplate readers usually contain one or multiple light sources, an optical system for the selection of excitation light, a second optical system for the selection of emission light and a detector, usually one or multiple photomultiplier tubes. Photomultiplier tubess convert photons generated by fluorescence or luminescence into electricity that is then quantified by the multi-mode microplate reader. The output of this process is numbers by which a sample is quantified.
- Spectra / End point / Kinetic analysis
Probe Sonicator
S-4000 (Misonix)
Probe Sonicators (Ultrasonic Homogenizers) offer precision engineering with all the features necessary to create a total system for ultrasonic disruption. They can disintegrate most cells, bacteria, spores or tissue. They can prepare an emulsion down to 1/100 of a micron, homogenize "immiscible" liquids, accelerate enzymatic and chemical reactions, stimulate bacterial activity, disperse solids in liquids and degas liquids.
Surface Plasmon Resonance
BiOptix 404pi uses surface plasmon resonance for real-time monitoring of macromolecular interactions without the use of labels. The technology is for use in drug discovery, antibody screening, ligand fishing and therapeutics. Technological advantages include minimal sample consumption.
The BiOptix 404pi utilizes a four needle autosampler and four parallel flow cells. This allows operation in a mode that provides four times the throughput of an ordinary SPR instrument, while maintaining the sensitivity that users demand. The 404pi can also be operated in a high resolution mode for more detailed analysis of molecular interactions.
Applications include:
- Protein-small molecule interactions
- Protein-protein interactions
- Antibody-antigen interactions
- Kinetics & affinities
- Epitope binning
- Nucleic acid-protein interactions
- Biomolecule concentration measurements
Typhoon FLA 9500 is a variable mode laser scanner with modular access to the optical components, providing both versatile and flexible imaging for precise quantitation of proteins, nucleic acids and other biomolecules.
- Versatility: imaging of multifluorescent-, chemifluorescent-, radioisotope-labeled, and colorimetric samples
- High resolution and quantitation: a pixel resolution of up to 10 micrometers
- Precise quantitation in gels, blots, tissue sections, and arrays
- High sample throughput: scanning area of 40 × 46 centimeters enables simultaneous imaging of up to 20 gels or blots, measuring 10 × 8 centimeters in size
- Visible and infrared fluorescence imaging: optional near infrared excitation for imaging IRDye™ and other infrared dyes
Optima le-80k
The ultracentrifuge is a centrifuge optimized for spinning a rotor at very high speeds, capable of generating acceleration as high as 1,000,000 g (approximately 9,800 km/s²).
Ultracentrifuge is available with a wide variety of rotors suitable for a great range of experiments. Most rotors are designed to hold tubes that contain the samples.
Swinging bucket rotors allow the tubes to hang on hinges so the tubes reorient to the horizontal as the rotor initially accelerate.
Fixed angle rotors are made of a single block of material and hold the tubes in cavities bored at a predetermined angle.
Zonal rotors are designed to contain a large volume of sample in a single central cavity rather than in tubes. Some zonal rotors are capable of dynamic loading and unloading of samples while the rotor is spinning at high speed.
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectronomy System
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class (Waters)
The primary application is for separation and analysis of biomolecules such as metabolites, proteins, and oligonucleotides. The liquid chromatography includes an auto-sampler for automated multi-sample analysis, the ability to blend up to four separate solvent streams, accommodation for multiple columns, temperature-controlled column compartments.
This instrument is equipped with a selection of reverse phase high efficiency ultra performance liquid chromatography C18 column, compatible with Water, Methanol and Acetonitrile solvents, along with a 0.1% Formic Acid modifier. The mass spectrometer is equipped with a dual simultaneous electrospray ionization / atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion source and performs high resolution mass spectronomy analyses of chromatographic components in both positive and negative ionization modes. An internal lock-mass ensures high mass accuracy.
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Spectrophotometers are used to measure the concentration of a known substance in a solution. They do this by passing a light through the substance and measuring light intensity as a function of wavelength. UV-visible spectrophotometers use light over the ultraviolet range (185-400 nanometers) and visible range (400-700 nanometers) of electromagnetic radiation spectrum.