University of Nebraska Medical Center

Instruments and Services


  • MultiMode AFM, (Bruker Nano)
    MultiMode AFM system with Nanoscope IV controller.
    Capabilities: High resolution imaging in air and liquid.
  • MFP 3D BioAFM w/Inverted Optical Microscope, (Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments)
    An integrated BioAFM combined with inverted optical microscope (Olympus IX71). Can operate with big sample on glass slide or 90 mm Petri dish.
    Capabilities: Imaging in air and liquid. Force spectroscopy mode. Nanoindentation. Biomechanical properties (elasticity measurements of fibers, cells and tissues). Cell imaging and manipulation.
  • AFM Force Robot-FR300, (JPK)
    Capabilities: Measurements of intermolecular interactions and mechanical properties with a computer controlled data acquisition and buffer composition.
  • Ntegra-Spectra NFM/Raman, (NT-MDT)
    AFM instrument integrated with inverted and upright high-resolution optical microscope with the Raman spectrometer.
    Capabilities: A unique instrument with all AFM capabilities allowing for confocal and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies.