University of Nebraska Medical Center

Instruments and Services


The UNMC Genomics Core houses and operates Illumina sequencers to perform a wide variety of applications that utilize Next Generation DNA Sequencing to include RNA sequencing, genomic resequencing and metagenomics. The core also has a Nanostring instrument to measure targeted gene expression and for single cell genomics, the core operates a 10x Genomics instrument.

  • Illumina Next Generation Sequencing Instrumentation
    Illumina NovaSeq6000, NextSeq550, and MiSeqV3 Sequencers: These three sequencers comprise a set of sequencers of varying capacity to enable a wide variety of applications and experiments that require different outputs. The NovaSeq is the largest capacity and has the best economy of scale. The NextSeq is for medium sized projects and the MiSeq is best for smaller genomes and 16S profiling. 
  • Single Cell Genomics
    10x Genomics X: The 10X Genomics instrument is designed to measure single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) as well as single cell multiomics (scRNAseq coupled with same cell scATACseq) for experiments ranging from 2,000 to millions of cells.
  • Targeted Gene Expression
    Nanostring Encounter: The Nanostring encounter is used to profile panels of genes up to 700 simultaneously. This is useful for biological pathway gene expression profiling.


The UNMC Genomics offers a variety of Next Generation DNA Sequencing service applications to include RNA sequence, microRNA, genomic resequencing, and metagenomics. Single cell RNA sequence and Nanostring Encounter gene expression panel profiling are also performed. 

RNA Sequencing

RNA sequencing is the state-of-the-art technology to profile genome-wide gene expression. Xiaoyan Feng, Dr. Eric Tom and Jennifer Bushing are experts at library production, and Dr. Dhar oversees the sequencing process.

Genomic DNA Sequencing

The Genomics Core offers resequencing of bacterial, viral, plant and mammalian genomes. The core is equipped with the various capacity Illumina sequencers that can accommodate genomes from viruses to human. Xiaoyan Feng, Dr. Eric Tom and Jennifer Bushing perform these assays.

16S and Whole Genome Metagenomics

16S and whole genome metagenomics are the predominant means by which scientists profile bacterial, viral and fungal communities.  

Xiaoyan Feng, Dr. Eric Tom and Jennifer Bushing are experts at metagenomic library production. 

Single Cell RNA Sequencing

The core performs a great deal of single cell RNA sequencing utilizing the 10x Genomics system. Greg Kubik and Jennifer Bushing work with researchers to optimize cell suspensions, capture single cells and perform genome-wide transcription experiments on single cells.

Nanostring Encounter Expression Profiling

The Nanostring system is used for profiling gene-expression in targeted sets (up to 800 genes) of genes involved in specific biological pathways. Jennifer Bushing is an expert regarding the use of this system.