Instruments and Services
The overall goal of the Flow Cytometry Research Facility is to provide access to flow cytometry instrumentation, expertise, and comprehensive flow cytometry support for all UNMC investigators.
The central services offered are multi-parameter single cell analysis and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Currently, the Flow Cytometry Research Facility provides access to the flow cytometry technology, a range of software, and necessary expertise to proficiently assist UNMC investigators with every aspect of their flow cytometry needs. The facility houses and supports three high-speed cell sorters and multiple benchtop analyzers.Primary Instruments:
We have a range of instrumentation with different capabilities. A brief description of each instrument is provided below. If you have any questions on the equipment or applications contact the facility staff.Analyzers:
- BD FACSCalibur
The BD FACSCalibur is a two-laser (488-nanometer and 635-nanometer) flow cytometer able to analyze up to 4-fluorescent parameters, as well as FSC and SSC. - BD LSRII
Configured with 355-nm, 405-nm, 488-nm, and 633-nm lasers, the BD LSRII can acquire up to 14-fluorescent parameters. Additionally, the LSRII is equipped with a plate loader option allowing automated high-throughput screening from 96- or 384-well plates. Download the configuration. ( - BD LSRII Y/G
Yellow 561
Green 532
Configured with 355-nanometer, 405-nanometer, 488-nanometer, 532-nanometer, 561-nanometer, and 633-nanometer lasers, the LSRII Y/G can acquire up to 18-fluorescent parameters. Additionally, the LSRII Y/G is equipped with a plate loader option allowing automated high-throughput screening from 96- or 384-well plates. Download the configuration. - BD LSRFortessa
An early access, one-of-a-kind instrument, the LSRFortessa contains low noise electronics similarly found in current BD FACS SymphonyTM instrumentation. Configured with 355-nanometer, 405-nanometer, 488-nanometer, 561-nanometer, and 638-nanometer lasers, the LSRFortessa can acquire up to 28-fluorescent parameters. Additionally, the LSRFortessa is equipped with a plate loader option allowing automated high-throughput screening from 96- or 384-well plates. Download the configuration. - Thermo Fisher Attune NxT
The Attune NxT is equipped with four lasers (405-nanometer, 488-nanometer, 561-nanometer, and 637-nanometer) capable of up to 16-fluorescent parameter detection. Additionally, the Attune NxT is equipped with an auto sampler capable of automated high-throughput screening from 96-well, 384-well, and deep well plates. The Attune NxT is located in LTC 12736. - Cytek Northern Lights
The Northern Lights is a full spectrum analyzer that measures the entire emission spectra of fluorescent dyes allowing the use of novel unmixing algorithms for data analysis. The Northern Lights is equipped with one 488-nanometer laser and is capable of up to 9-fluorescent parameter detection. This analyzer is located in BCC 5.12.404.
This high-speed cell sorter is equipped with 355-nanometer, 405-nanometer, 488-nanometer, 561-nanometer, and 633-nanometer lasers making 14-fluorescent parameter data acquisition and sorting possible. The FACSAria is capable of sorting four populations simultaneously, along with single-cell sorting, into a variety of collection tubes and culture plates. FACSAria is housed in a class 2A biosafety hood and is capable of sorting BSL2 with enhanced precautions samples. Download the configuration. - BD FACSAria II
The FACSAria II is a high-speed cell sorter equipped with 355-nanometer, 405-nanometer, 488-nanometer, and 633-nanometer lasers capable of 14-fluorescent parameter data acquisition and sorting. FACSAria II is capable of sorting four populations simultaneously, and single-cell sorting, into a variety of collection tubes and culture plates. FACSAria II is capable of sorting BSL2 samples. - Thermo Fisher Bigfoot
The Bigfoot full-spectrum cell sorter features five spatially separated lasers (349-nanometers, 405-nanometer, 488-nanometer, 561-nanometer, and 640-nanometer) and 53 detection channels. Standard six-way sorting into a variety of tubes (1.5 to 50 milliliters) and multi-way sorting into tissue culture plates (up to 1536 wells) is possible. The Bigfoot is encased in a biosafety cabinet to allow sorting of BSL2 with enhanced precautions samples. The Sasquatch software offers the ability to analyze/sort samples using traditional compensation or spectral unmixing. - Miltenyi autoMACS
Miltenyi’s autoMACS ProSeparator isolates cell populations labeled with superparamagnetic particles conjugated to specific antibodies. After magnetic labeling, cells pass through a separation column placed in a magnetic field. The labeled cells are retained on the separation column and separated from the unlabeled cells which pass through. The retained fraction is eluted by removing the magnetic field, both fractions are recovered. There is no need to wait for buffer additions or dripping columns.
Other Equipment and Software:
- Countess Cell Counter
- PC Off-Line Workstation (x2)
- Cellquest Pro analysis software
- BD FACSDiva analysis software
- ModFit analysis software
- FlowJo analysis software (and site license)
- Class II Biological Safety Cabinet
- Thermo Fisher Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubators