University of Nebraska Medical Center

Instruments and Services

Whether you need super-resolution, microscopic, or mesoscopic imaging, the AMCF provides equipment and services to support your research.

Diagram spanning the various resolution levels from 1 nm to 100 cm and the recommended equipment to us for resolving various images. For light sheet imaging and tissue clearing between 1 um to 100 cm, use AMCF's UltraMicroscope II. For confocal microscopy between 100 nm to 100 µm, use AMCF's Zeiss 710 LSM, Zeiss 800 LSM w/ Airyscan, Zeiss Cell Discoverer7 (widefield live samples), or Zeiss Axioscan 7 (TL, FL whole slide scanning). For superesolution imaging between 1 nm to 100 µm, use AMCF's Zeiss Elyra Ps1. For multi-photon microscopy, use UNMC's Multiphoton Intravital & Tissue Imaging (MITI) core.*adapted from Miltenyi Biotec

To learn more about each instrument or workstation available in the core, please select from the following to jump to that specific section of this page:

For multiphoton imaging needs, please see UNMC’s Multiphoton Intravital & Tissue Imaging (MITI) core.

Zeiss Elyra Ps.1 Super Resolution Microscope

The Zeiss ELYRA PS.1 is an inverted microscope designed for super-resolution (SR) structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) including Photo Activated Localization Microscopy (PALM) using photo-switchable/convertible fluorescent proteins, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) and STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) using specific fluorescent organic dyes. 

The Elyra S.1 can image four fluorescent colors, roughly corresponding to DAPI, Alexa488/GFP, RFP/Alexa568, and CY5/A647 (see below) during SIM imaging, PALM/STORM imaging can capture 2 channels.

  • SIM uses structured light patterns to excite and collect (traditional fluorophores) in small areas that are rotated and accumulated over time to generate a composite SR image.
  • PALM/STORM requires specific photo-activated/photo-converted/blinking fluorophores (see AMCF Imaging Resources) that are slowly accumulated to generate a composite SR image.
  • Due to intense light and longer collection times during SR imaging, rapidly bleaching and/or dim fluorophores will not work. Reference image Casey et al. 2022.

Contact the AMCF to learn more and schedule your reservation.

Zeiss LSM 800 With Airyscan for High Resolution Imaging

The Zeiss 800 CLSM with Airyscan is an inverted microscope with transmitted (HAL), UV (HBO) and laser excitation for collection transmitted light images (brightfield and DIC) and/or confocal fluorescence images. This system dramatically increases conventional confocal image resolution to ~180 nm using Airyscan technology distributing light across an array of detectors (see link in system highlights).

  • Fast linear scanning and high-sensitivity GaAsP detectors increase the imaging speed and sensitivity for most imaging applications including, multi-channel, co-localization, live cell, 3D, and time series imaging.
  • Enhanced sensitivity supports use of lower laser powers to reduce photobleaching and phototoxicity during live cell imaging.

Contact the AMCF to learn more and schedule your reservation.

Zeiss 710 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

The Zeiss 710 LSM is an inverted microscope with transmitted (HAL), UV (HBO) and laser excitation to collect transmitted light images (bright field and DIC) and/or confocal fluorescence images. This system supports most basic imaging applications, multi-channel and spectral, co-localization, live cell, 3D, and time series imaging.

Contact the AMCF to learn more and schedule your reservation.

Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7

The Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7 is a widefield imaging system for automated, time-lapse imaging of live samples. While widefield imaging offers accelerated imaging of larger views of view at lower resolutions when compared to confocal microscopy, this system is equipped with afocal magnification changers for high resolution imaging of smaller fields of view that can be subsequently stitched together to generate larger field of view composite images.

  • Samples may be imaged on slides, dishes, and across an array of multi-well dishes including 96 well plates.
  • The system offers a temperature and C02 controlled incubation system for optimal short- and long-term live sample imaging.
  • ZEN Blue allows users to calibrate the system to their sample carrier, input exact imaging parameters, and create a focus strategy keeping the sample in focus across locations and timepoints.

Contact the AMCF to learn more and schedule your reservation.

Zeiss Axioscan 7 Whole Slide Imaging System

The Zeiss Axioscan 7 is a high-performance whole slide scanning system for fluorescence and brightfield/transmitted light imaging. Up to 100 slides can be imaged using customized scanning profiles using a specialized slide cassette system allowing slides to remain upright and untouched during the imaging process.

  • Fluorescence and brightfield imaging modes are independent.
  • Resulting images can be combined in the data analysis core to maximize data collected from your samples.
  • This system supports traditional IF and IHC imaging as well as cyclic immunofluorescence.

NOTE: Researchers must complete Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) sample submission form prior to submitting samples for imaging. 

Contact the AMCF to learn more and schedule your reservation.

Miltenyi Biotec Ultramicroscope II Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope

Tissues are inherently three dimensional in nature, which makes imaging intact tissues a necessity for a more complete study in the relationship between structure and function and the system-level study of cellular mechanisms. With the Miltenyi Biotec (previously La Vision) Ultramicroscope II Light Sheet fluorescence microscope (LSFM) you can extend your existing fluorescent imaging into true 3D, large-scale volumetric imaging of intact tissues and small organs/organisms.

  • Unlike traditional laser scanning microscopy using parallel/identical excitation and collection paths, LSFM excites your sample in an orthogonal beam path. By setting the width, numerical aperture (NA), and Rayleigh length of illumination, users can optimize the shape of the light sheets for their specific sample size and imaging goals.
  • A lower NA results in a broad field of view at the expense of a lower z-resolution and vice versa, with a full range of gradations in between. Using this approach LSFM can reduce out of focus light, capture larger fields of view and collect volumetric images 10’s to 100’s of times faster than traditional confocal microscopes. 
  • Optimized volumetric imaging requires removal of light bending cellular components (mostly lipids) through a process called optical clearing. See section below for automated tissue clearing in the AMCF.
  • Light travels differently in different imaging media. The UltraMicroscope II’s onboard software allows users to choose between various preloaded clearing and imaging solutions to optimize imaging.

Contact the AMCF to learn more and schedule your reservation.

X-Clarity Tissue Clearing System

To support your volumetric imaging studies, the AMCF also offers equipment for rapid, optimized tissue clearing using the X-Clarity System. Tissue clearing is important for 3D imaging of tissues at single-cell resolutions. The X-CLARITY™ system simplifies and accelerates each step of the tissue clearing process using CLARITY (Clear Lipid-exchanged Acrylamide-hybridized Rigid Imaging / Immunostaining /in situ-hybridization-compatible Tissue hYdrogel), a tissue clearing method developed by the Deisseroth lab at Stanford.

  • Fixed tissues are embedded in a hydrogel matrix and lipids are actively extracted through electrophoresis to create a stable and optically transparent tissue-hydrogel hybrid that is chemically accessible for multiple rounds of antibody labeling and imaging.
  • Native cytoarchitecture remains intact and endogenous fluorescence proteins are preserved for robust fluorescence imaging downstream.
  • For LSFM imaging, samples should be optically cleared (X-clarity), labeled with antibodies, then equilibrated in refractive index (RI) matched mounting solutions prior to imaging.

Halo-Equipped Workstation

Maximize your imaging data sets using the premier image analysis platform, HALO (Indica Labs), to perform your quantitative tissue analyses. HALO reports morphological and multiplexed expression data on a cell-by-cell basis across entire tissue sections and maintains an interactive link between cell data and cell image.

  • Click on any cell in the image and immediately see analysis outputs for that specific cell.
  • Sorting and filtering capabilities allow the user to mine millions of cells while visually assessing corresponding cell populations. For example, sort cells according to biomarker intensity and immediately locate cells with highest intensity in the image.
  • The AMCF has several HALO modules ready for use on the HALO image analysis workstation.

Contact the AMCF to request permission to independently reserve/use workstations (RSS) and obtain card access for this area. Please see our terms of use agreement for the data analysis workroom.

Imaris-Equipped Workstation

IMARIS is the world’s leading Interactive Microscopy Image Analysis software focused on 3D and 4D imaging. The AMCF is equipped with the complete IMARIS for Core Facilities software package with focused image analysis, segmentation, and reconstruction options for cancer and neuroscience researchers, cell and developmental biologists.

IMARIS can be used for any number of imaging studies but is anticipated to be particularly relevant for researchers using the Elyra PS1 super-resolution microscope and Ultramicroscope II light sheet fluorescence microscopes.

Contact the AMCF to request permission to independently reserve/use workstations (RSS) and obtain card access for this area. Please see our terms of use agreement for the data analysis workroom.