University of Nebraska Medical Center

Advanced Microscopy Core Facility

The Advanced Microscopy Core Facility at UNMC, a shared research resource supported by the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center and the NE-INBRE program, provides access to a diverse array of biomedical imaging modalities.

These tools are capable of capturing complex biological phenomena at single molecule (nanometer, super resolution), sub-cellular and cellular resolution (micron, confocal and whole slide scanning), and tissue/small organ levels (millimeter, light sheet). Instruction in the use of, and trained user access to imaging (super resolution, microscopic, mesoscopic) and analysis (HALO, IMARIS) instrumentation are available to internal and external researchers on a fee-for-use basis. With prior approval from the Director, the facility will also collect and/or process images for investigators on a fee-for-service basis.

The AMCF is located on the first floor of the Durham Research Center (DRC I, Rooms 1056, 1063, 1036, 1053). Requests for training and instrumentation access may be submitted by emailing or calling 402-559-6659.

Overview of Instruments and Services

The AMCF offers several instruments and services to support your research needs, including those listed below. To discuss individual imaging needs, contact the core director.

Please not this list is not exhaustive. To explore the full range of our instruments and services, please visit our Instruments and Services page.
Equipment Services
Zeiss Elyra PS.1 Superresolution Microscope HALO Image Analysis Workstation
Zeiss LSM 800 w/ Airyscan for High Resolution Imaging IMARIS Image Analysis Workstation x 2
Zeiss 710 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Multi-Channel Imaging in fixed or live cells (incubated stages)
Zeiss Cell Discoverer 7 high Content Plate Reader Dynamic Imaging: Time Series, FRAP, FRET, Spectral Imaging, 3D/Volumetric, High-Content Imaging
Zeiss Axioscan 7 Whole Slide Imaging System Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (PALM, STORM), Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)
UltraMicroscope II Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope Education: In person and on-line researcher resources
X Clarity Automated Tissue Clearing System Training: hands-on across imaging modalities
  Consultation: design, collection, analyses
Overview of Instruments and Services

Acknowledging Core Usage

Services and equipment in the AMCF are provided with support from multiple funding agencies and MUST be appropriately cited for sustained operation of these shared resources.

Researchers may now use a simplified core acknowledgement statement referencing our Research Resource ID (RRID).

“We acknowledge use of the University of Nebraska Medical Center - UNMC Advanced Microscopy Core Facility, RRID:SCR_022467, P20 GM103427 (NIGMS, NE-INBRE), P30 GM106397 (NIGMS, NCS), P20GM130447 (NIGMS, CoNDA), P30 CA036727 (NCI, Buffett Cancer Center), S10RR02730 (NIH), S10OD030486 (NIH), Nebraska Research Initiative, UNMC Vice Chancellor for Research Office.”

"We additionally thank [INSERT APPLICABLE NAMES FROM BELOW] of the UNMC AMCF for their assistance."
           James R. Talaska, B.S., Camille Hennerberg, B.S., Heather Jensen-Smith, Ph.D.

AMCF users are obligated to fully acknowledge the facility and its funding sources in formal publications and presentations containing any data generated with support from the facility (instrumentation and/or staff).

Check out our Policies page for more information about acknowledgement statements, authorship guidelines, and usage of core instruments and services.