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University of Nebraska Medical Center


Matrix Laboratory is a high-performance application for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Aside from mathematical analysis, MATLAB can also be used to build full-fledged applications that may have their own graphical user interface.

The tool has been used in a wide variety of research areas and other fields. From a biomedical research perspective, MATLAB has been used to build mathematical models of biological processes (to elucidate properties of dynamic systems such as cell cycle, apoptosis, chemotaxis, etc.) that can be deterministic or stochastic, continuous or discrete.

In addition, MATLAB can:

  • solve these problems numerically (e.g., ordinary or partial differential equations);
  • estimate or optimize parameters;
  • fit simulations to experimental data;
  • visualize data/simulations in 2D/3D;
  • perform basic statistical analysis of data;
  • generate publication-quality plots, even for data that has been generated by other software!

Data analysis and visualization with MATLAB

MATLAB Support

Support is provided by the vendor Mathworks. Visit the MATLAB support page for information and explore additional tools available to you at no cost through MathWorks. Looking for more resources?

Getting Started     Training Videos     MATLAB Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access MATLAB at UNMC?
Instructions are available for Windows and Mac users.
Who is eligible to get MATLAB?
All UNMC employees (faculty, students, staff and others) who have a email address associated with a campus user ID and password. At this time, Nebraska Medicine employees are not eligible to get MATLAB.
What is the cost?
There is no cost to you. The Research IT Office is providing funding for the licensing for this financial year.
How long can I use MATLAB?
Our license is annual and is valid from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, and your installed version of MATLAB will only function during that period. Each year you will be required to renew your license and redownload the latest version in order to continue using MATLAB. For more information, please see our MATLAB License Details.