EndNote is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and reference lists.
Operating system: Windows, and macOS.
License: Sponsored by Nebraska Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) and Vice Chancellor for Research Office, and managed by Research IT Office
Users: All UNMC users plus IDeA-CTR, INBRE, COBRE collaboration researchers can download the software.
All UNMC users with a UNMC-managed macOS desktop or laptop computer can download the software while connected to the UNMC network. In the Finder menu bar, click the "Go" menu, then "Connect to Server." Enter the following link in the dialog window.
All UNMC users with a UNMC-managed Windows desktop or laptop computer can download the software from the Company Portal app.
All UNMC users with Windows or macOS personal devices and other non-UNMC users (IDeA-CTR, INBRE, COBRE) must request a license by submitting the request form.
Software Details
EndNote can help make your research and writing easier:
- Group references according to your research projects and attach files to records manually or automatically.
- Create references from PDF file.
- Share groups of references with other EndNote users.
- Use Cite While You Write to add in references and citations as you write, or whenever you're ready.
- Search online databases and export references directly to EndNote.
- Use built-in styles to format your references automatically.
For more information or questions on software licensing, contact us. For training, please contact the McGoogan Library or see the library guide. The EndNote Support site provides videos and other materials.