University of Nebraska Medical Center

Confidentiality & Intellectual Property


Intellectual Property:

Sharing data that you have produced or collected yourself:

  • Data is not copyrightable. Particular expressions of data, such as a table in a book, can be copyrightable.
  • Promote sharing and unlimited use of your data by making it available under a Creative Commons license.
  • If you are uncertain as to your rights to disseminate data, UNMC researchers also can consult the Office of General Counsel. Note: Laws about data vary outside the U.S.

Sharing data that you have collected from other sources:

  • Licensed data can have restrictions in the way it can be used or shared downstream.
  • Some databases licensed by the UNMC allow for educational and research use, and sharing limited portions of data. For more information on terms of use for databases contact the owners of the databases.