University of Nebraska Medical Center

Purpose of Data Management

Increase your research impact
Making your data available to other researchers can impact discovery and relevance of your research.

  • Save time 
    Planning ahead for your data management needs will save you time and resources.
  • Preserve your data 
    Depositing your data in a repository safeguards your investment of time and resources while preserving your research contribution for you and others to use.
  • Maintain data integrity 
    Managing and documenting your data throughout its life cycle will allow you and others to understand and use your data in the future.
  • Meet grant requirements 
    Many funding agencies now require that researchers deposit data collected as part of a research project.
  • Promote new discoveries 
    Sharing your data with other researchers can lead to new and unanticipated discoveries and provide research material for those with little or no funding.
  • Support open access 
    Be a catalyst for research and discovery. Show your support for open access by sharing your data. To learn more, check out the Open Data movement.