Study Monitoring
All Study Monitors are required to have an Active Directory account in order to access any of the systems at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine. After completing the below request form for the first time, a new account will be set up and the account information will be emailed to the monitor. For subsequent site visits, a monitor would still complete a visit request form but would use their account created previously.
Study Monitors
The following request form should be completed for each visit and sent to the study coordinator. Study Monitor Visit Request Form
To access UNMC/Nebraska Medicine systems, the monitor needs to have an Active Directory account. After completing the above request form for the first time, account information will be emailed to the monitor. Once the monitor is notified that an account is set up, this guide will walk through the process on setting up and accessing the necessary research applications.
Contact your study coordinator if you have any questions about this process.
Study Coordinators
A guide has been created that can be referenced by study coordinators as they set up access for a study monitor's upcoming visit. Click the following link and log in to access the guide. Coordinator Guide for Study Monitor Access.
A document with solutions to common questions regarding this process can be found here: Study Monitor Access FAQs.