University of Nebraska Medical Center

Sumin Zhou, PhD

Research interests

Sumin Zhou, PhD, conducts research on the FLASH effect, a phenomenon that occurs when radiation is delivered to cells and animals at an ultrahigh dose rate, which is more than 1,000 times faster than conventional radiotherapy. This could result in a reduction of radiation damage to normal cells and tissues while maintaining similar cancer cell killing and tumor control. Dr. Zhou's research focuses on characterizing both electron and proton FLASH delivery systems, designing dosimetry experiments, and conducting cell and animal biology studies with FLASH radiation sources. Ultimately, he aims to understand the fundamental mechanisms behind the FLASH effect.


  • Ying Yan, PhD
  • Kyuhak Oh, PhD
  • Kyle Gallagher, PhD
  • Diane Schott, PhD
  • Yu Lei, PhD
  • Shuo Wang, PhD

Research Funding

  • 2021-23 University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Program – Pilot Project. Development of ultra-high dose-rate (FLASH) cancer radiotherapy. Principal Investigators: Ying Yan, Sumin Zhou, and Donald Umstadter (UNL).
  • 2021-23 Great Plains IDeA-CTR-Pilot Projects Program – Pilot Project. FLASH-radiation therapy for increasing therapeutic index of cancer treatment. Principal Investigators: Ying Yan, Sumin Zhou, and Donald Umstadter (UNL)