Midwestern Public Health Training Center
The UNMC Office of Public Health Practice is an academic partner of the Midwestern Public Health Training Center.
The Midwestern Public Health Training Center is one of 10 regional public health training centers funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Midwestern Public Health Training Center covers federal Region VII, which includes Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. The center is housed at the University of Iowa, with the UNMC College of Public Health serving as a local performance site. Their work includes:
- Courses for public health professionals.
- Podcasts featuring a variety of public health topics, issues, and colleagues.
- Internships throughout the region to provide students with hands-on work with the practice community.
- Workforce needs assessments
Learn about events in Region VII, request a training, and connect to online training modules on hundreds of topics through the MPHTC website.
Contact Us
Office of Public Health Practice
UNMC College of Public Health
984335 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-4335